HuggleHounds Crunchy Monkey Dog Toy Review

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Raising Your Pets, Dogs and Cats Naturally


Dog Toy Reviews : Durable and Tough Dog Toys

HuggleHounds Crunchy Dog Toy Review

HuggleHounds Crunchy Monkey Dog Toy Review. Are you looking for a fun and durable dog toy? Check out this funny monkey.
HuggleHounds Crunchy Monkey Dog Toy Review

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored review. However, I will always offer my readers an unbiased and honest account of my experiences. Your trust is very appreciated, and never taken for granted. ~Tonya, Dexter and Nutter

How do you like my new HuggleHounds Crunchy Monkey? HuggleHounds was kind enough to send me one to try and one to use as a giveaway! Thanks, HuggleHounds! I’ve been a fan of HuggleHounds toys for some time now. You can read my review of my Knotties Raccoon here.

This crunchy monkey is referred to as “monkey” in our house. That’s strange. Mom and Grandma call me monkey too. I don’t think we look alike at all. Anyway, my HuggleHounds Crunchy Monkey is super fun! I have a real good time tossing him up in the air, shaking my head like I’m trying to kill him, and playing tug with Mom. My monkey dog toy is quite large and tough. From head to bottom he measures 12″ long. HuggleHounds Crunchy Monkey has a crunchy recycled bottle inside his body. The cool thing is there is a Velcro enclosure on the bottom so the bottle can be replaced with a new one…..or even with something else. You can even put a squeaker toy inside, or treats, or whatever else you can think of for a new game.

Best dog toy reviews.
Fun dog toys.

HuggleHounds Crunchy Monkey has really long arms and legs. They are great for tugging and dragging the dog toy around the room. He is made of soft corduroy plush and lined with Tuffut Technology for extra strength and durability. The monkey has squeakers in his arms and long, fun bungee legs. I am really digging my HuggleHounds Crunchy Monkey. This has been at the top of my toy box this past couple of weeks. He’s a real hit! He is holding up strong to my tugging and fetching and tossing.

However, I did manage to pick away at his furry head (he had hair) and chewed his ears off. But once I got those out of the way, he’s tough. Seams are holding strong and no holes. For most dogs, he probably would hold up nicely. As you know, I’m just a focused picker.

Best dog tug toys.
Great for tugging and tossing.

So the verdict? HuggleHounds Crunchy Monkey is a win for being fun, large and tough for tugging.
I’m still able to pick at pieces, but fabric toys are just that way.

Thank you again HuggleHounds for your toy to review.

Pros: Durable soft dog toy, lots of fun points to tug and chew on, tough squeakers and fabric, affordable, machine washable
Cons: Didn’t stand up to my picking, made in China

Is your dog hard on his toys? Tell me in the comments.

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Google Adsense—> Training for a Dog with Separation Anxiety Separation anxiety in dogs is a serious condition that can cause severe distress, terror, and panic when they are left alone. It’s crucial to recognize that this isn’t just about boredom or lack of exercise; it’s a deep-rooted fear of being apart from their humans. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, separation anxiety affects 20 percent to 40 percent of dogs referred to animal behavior practices in North America. In this blog post, I’m diving into the initial stages of my treatment of separation anxiety in dogs protocol. I’ll start by giving you the first steps in the treatment plan, such as breaking the cycle of anxiety and creating a cozy confinement area. These are the first steps in treating your dog’s separation anxiety. Remember, every dog is different, so the process of treating your dog’s separation anxiety may vary. If you want to jump right into the entire program, check out my book, Please Stay: Help for a Dog with Separation Anxiety, on Amazon or Etsy. Let’s get started. Identifying Separation Anxiety The signs of separation anxiety can be different from dog to dog, but some common behaviors can include some or all: excessive barking, howling, pacing, drooling, eliminating indoors, destructive behaviors, self-mutilation, and attempts to escape. There are certain factors and personality traits that can put a dog at higher risk of developing separation anxiety. Dogs with clingy personalities, traumatic experiences with departures, a lack of socialization or prevention, changes in routine, new additions to the family (pets or babies), and exposure to traumatic events like thunderstorms or earthquakes can increase a dog’s risk. Unfortunately, I’ve been there myself. My golden retriever, Theo, was found as a stray puppy along with his brothers. Despite all I did, he ended up developing separation anxiety and a fear of storms following a traumatic experience during a thunderstorm. While I managed to ease his separation anxiety during off-season, the arrival of spring and summer storms always brought it back. Onset of separation anxiety typically occurs under the age of two, though it can develop in older dogs due to cognitive or medical issues. These could include hypothyroid disease, metabolic disease, sensory impairments (like deafness or blindness), or arthritis. Once again, I’m faced with some senior separation anxiety with my now 14.5 year old Cavalier, Dexter. If you’ve identified that your dog is dealing with separation anxiety, it’s absolutely crucial to take action to ease their distress. Dogs with separation anxiety can experience full-blown panic attacks and extreme terror when you’re away. Allowing them to suffer is simply not an option. Treating separation anxiety isn’t about correcting your dog’s behavior; it’s about teaching your dog new emotions when they are left alone. Remember, they are not being bad; they are in a panic. The training plan is to help them feel relaxed, safe, and even happy when you head out the door. But I’m not going to lie. It’s not usually a quick fix. In fact, it’s often a challenging journey that requires patience and practice sessions. That’s why I strongly recommend teaming up with a dog behavior professional, especially in the beginning stages. With their help and encouragement, you’ll have the tools you need to help your dog feel more relaxed when you are gone. Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety: Step One in Treating Dog Separation Anxiety This first step in treating a dog’s separation anxiety is crucial and one of the hardest steps for some people. We have to ensure our dog is not left alone. I know, I know. But hang in there. I have some tips to help you get through this step. It’s a temporary training phase. Reviewing Schedules: Round up the family and get everyone’s schedules on the table. It’s time for a brainstorming and rescheduling session to figure out how to ensure someone’s with your dog at all times during this phase. You might need to get creative, tweak work hours, leave a bit earlier or later, etc. to fill in the gaps. Outside Support: After the initial family schedule, you may need to look into a larger network of friends, family, and professionals. Consider options like pet sitters, doggy daycare, or even enlisting the help of college students, especially those studying anything animal related. Don’t overlook your neighbors or your kids’ friends’ families either. There are a lot of dog lovers out there. Don’t Be Shy: It’s important to prioritize your dog’s well-being. Explain the situation and how tough it is, and don’t be afraid to offer something in return for a helping hand. Whether it’s trading favors or covering costs, your pup’s happiness is worth every effort. Remember, your dog is counting on you to be their advocate through this tough time. Natural Remedies for Treating Dog Separation Anxiety Let’s talk about over-the-counter (OTC) remedies for your dog’s anxiety. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s always safe. If you’re considering trying a natural remedy or supplement for your dog’s separation anxiety, I can’t stress enough how important it is to chat with your dog’s holistic veterinarian first. They can guide you on which ones play well with any medications your dog may already be on or any health issues your dog may have. They can also help with determining a proper dose for your dog and even give you a safe range you can use. Here are some options that may help with your dog’s separation anxiety:. Shen Calmer Botanical Animal – Independence Botanical Animal -Panic Attack Homeopet Anxiety Relief RX Vitamins – Nutri-Calm Valerian Root Calcarea phosphorica Additional Calming Aids: Anything that can bring a little extra Zen into your dog’s daily routine is a win. The success of your dog’s treatment is about them feeling stress-free and relaxed, so here are some additional things you can incorporate into your dog’s life. Calming Music: Calming music and natural sounds can help reduce stress and promote relaxation in dogs. Specifically designed options like Through a Dog’s Ear, calming music, or even white noise create a calming environment that soothes anxious dogs and encourages relaxation. Recorded House Noise: Playing recordings of household sounds while you’re away can help ease separation anxiety by providing familiarity and comfort to your dog. Calming Pheromones: Diffusers or sprays mimic natural calming pheromones, creating a sense of safety and relaxation. Thunder Shirt: By applying gentle pressure, this snug-fitting jacket can help alleviate dog anxiety. Your Shirt: Your scent on clothing can offer reassurance to your dog, easing separation anxiety when you’re away. Ear Muffs for Dogs: Plugs (especially handy for noise phobias): Dog ear muffs are designed for noise reduction to help buffer out loud noises such as thunderstorms or fireworks. These are particularly helpful if your dog’s separation anxiety was triggered by a noise phobia. Acupuncture: This holistic therapy stimulates relaxation and releases endorphins, helping to reduce stress and anxiety in dogs. Massage: A gentle massage promotes relaxation, eases tension, and boosts well-being in dogs, offering a natural way to relieve stress. Stay Positive: The Power of Positive Reinforcement When it comes to dogs with anxiety, positive dog training is a must. Obviously, I think it’s a must for all of our dogs, but when anxiety is at play, negativity can be 100x worse for their sensitive souls. It’s all about building your dog’s confidence. Dogs thrive when they feel loved and accepted, so make sure to shower them with positivity and affection. Our dogs with separation anxiety are super sensitive and hyper tuned in to our emotions. Keeping things upbeat and maintaining a happy vibe is key to their recovery. Shen Disturbance: Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory The ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine sheds light on canine anxiety. According to this philosophy, dogs experiencing panic and stress may be dealing with a “Shen Disturbance,” which affects their inner calmness. By nurturing and calming the Shen, dogs can find relaxation and better cope with stress. High-Quality Diet: You Are What You Eat! You’ve probably heard the saying, you are what you eat, and it’s true! For us and our dogs. Having a proper diet and nutrients are essential for their physical, emotional and mental health. For dogs experiencing Shen disturbances, a cooling diet with ingredients like duck, rabbit, or cod can work wonders. These energetically cooling foods are believed to balance internal energies, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. Alternatively, a neutral diet, such as beef or pork, may also help. Including foods such as sardines, sweet potatoes, chicken eggs, seaweed, kelp, apples, and spinach can help balance your dog’s nervous energy. If you’re really committed, consider preparing a customized, home-cooked or raw diet using wholesome, natural ingredients. Step Two: Creating a Comfortable Confinement Area Your confinement area does not have to be the end place you want to leave your dog. This area should be a space where they feel relaxed and content. Choose a spot in your home that’s cozy and allows for easy access during training sessions. Ideally, your dog should be able to see the entrance or exit points of your house, like the front door or garage. Setting the Scene: Once you’ve chosen the perfect location, it’s time to Zen up the room to make it as inviting as possible. When you are practicing, you want the set-up just as you would if you were to really leave. Here’s a checklist to help you set the stage for success: Add various sleeping and resting items, such as dog beds, blankets, an open dog crate, or dog mats, to create a comfortable environment. Setting up multiple resting areas is ideal. Play background noise such as your calming music, white noise, or recordings of household activity. Use your pheromone plug-in or spray. Provide a basket of safe dog toys and favorite chews to keep your dog entertained. Close the blinds or curtains to minimize distractions from outside. Place a baby gate across the doorway of the confinement room to keep your dog inside without closing the door. This setup lets your dog see you and makes it easy for you to offer treats during training. Set up a video device to watch your dog in real time, as you will eventually be stepping out of sight. Create a designated spot inside the confinement area where you can spend time with your dog while doing other activities such as watching TV, working on the computer, or reading a book. By making your confinement area a comfortable space for your dog, you will help him relax, which helps training go smoothly. For a complete guide on navigating your dog’s separation anxiety journey, don’t forget to pick up a copy of my book, Please Stay: Help for a Dog with Separation Anxiety. Filled with the full treatment plan and practical tips. In my book, you’ll learn how to tackle your dog’s separation anxiety.   Your questions or comments are welcome below. Are you looking for even more ways to stay up to date with Raising Your Pets Naturally? Sign up for the newsletter for more tips and promotions. 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Google Adsense—> Best Way to Stop a Dog from Barking at the TV Does your dog bark at the TV? I’ve known dogs who know specific commercials and get all worked up waiting for maybe the squirrel to show in the scene. Some dogs go completely bonkers over the TV. This behavior can be frustrating for dog parents, but don’t worry, you can work on a training plan to slowly desensitize your dog to the TV. I will teach you how to stop your dog from barking at the TV and teach them to stay calm. Why Does My Dog Bark at the TV? There are a few reasons why dogs bark at the TV: Territorial instincts: They see the moving images as a potential threat and bark to warn them off. Excitement: The fast movements and sounds on the TV can trigger excitement and barking. Frustration: They may be frustrated because they can’t interact with what they see on the screen. Check it out on YouTube and don’t forget to subscribe for more free content. How to Train Your Dog Not to Bark at the TV Live TV presents challenges: When training your dog to be calm around the TV, live TV can be unpredictable. There’s no guarantee of what will show up next, making it difficult to control the exact stimuli your dog is exposed to. Recordings and clips offer control: By using recordings or clips you find online or create yourself, you can manage exactly what your dog sees and hears during training. Search for videos with titles like Dogs Barking on TV or Squirrels on TV, whatever your dog’s challenge. You can replay the same clip over and over, allowing your dog to become familiar with the trigger in a controlled setting. Desensitize Your Dog: Gradually expose your dog to sights and sounds from the TV at a low volume. Reward them with treats for staying calm. Use High-Value Treats: Make the treats irresistible so they have something more exciting to focus on than the TV. Be Consistent: Everyone interacting with the dog needs to follow the training plan. Start with Short Sessions: Keep training sessions short and positive, gradually increasing the difficulty as your dog makes progress. Prevent the Behavior: If you know your dog barks at certain commercials, mute or change the channel during those times. Additional Tips Don’t yell at your dog when they bark at the TV. This can make them more anxious. Leave the TV off when you’re not home to avoid unwanted barking. It’s going to take some time and dedication, but trust me, the peace and quiet will be worth it. By following these steps, you can teach your dog to be calm around the TV and enjoy some screen time together. Your questions or comments are welcome below. Are you looking for even more ways to stay up to date with Raising Your Pets Naturally? Sign up for the newsletter for more tips and promotions. Don’t forget to be social and Like, Follow and Subscribe. Facebook   Twitter   Pinterest   Instagram  YouTube     Google Adsense—> [...] Read more...
Google Adsense—> How to Properly Socialize A Puppy Puppies, puppies, puppies! I love puppies, and I can never get enough of their sweet puppy breath. As a positive dog trainer who has spent most of my career teaching people how to train their puppies, I can tell you that one of the most important things a new puppy parent should do is properly socialize their puppy. But why is puppy socialization so important? And what exactly is good puppy socialization? Today, I’m going to dive right into the ins and outs of good puppy socialization. Understanding Puppy Socialization: It’s Way More than Just Puppy Playtime Puppy socialization is the process of exposing your puppy to different people, animals, environments, and stimuli in a positive and, ideally, controlled way. Socialization is all about helping your puppy feel comfortable and confident in the world they live in. During their important growing stage, usually between three and fourteen weeks old, exposing them to different experiences can make them a happy, well-adjusted, and adaptable adult dog. While the critical socialization window for puppies is typically between three and fourteen weeks of age, it’s essential to understand that socialization goes beyond that window. During a dog’s first two years of life, their brain undergoes significant development, which affects how they learn and behave. Puppies undergo several stages of physical and mental development. During these early years, their brains are like sponges, soaking up new experiences. It’s important to introduce them to a variety of experiences. When they venture into new places, interact with a variety of individuals and animals, and encounter novel situations, they form connections in their brains that contribute to learning and future behavior. At this stage, puppies’ brains are developing quickly, shaping their social interactions, emotional responses, and how they handle challenging situations. Allowing them to explore, meet new people and animals, and have positive experiences helps them become confident and well-behaved adult dogs. Finding the Right Puppy Class One of the best ways to help your puppy’s socialization journey is by enrolling them in a good puppy class. I want to stress a good class. Let’s take a look at some of the ways to spot a good puppy class. Look for a puppy class that uses positive reinforcement puppy training, has a small class size, and is taught by experienced dog trainers who understand puppy behavior. Puppy classes are more than just a big puppy playdate. A good puppy class will be a combination of proper puppy socialization, human socialization, potty breaks, puppy handling, manners, and basic training such as watch, sit, stay, and recall. A puppy class trainer will be there to help answer your questions and offer guidance. Subscribe to our Raising Your Pets Naturally YouTube channel for more free content! Out and About: Exploring Different Environments When you take your puppy out and about, you give them chances to learn and have fun in different places. There are lots of places where your puppy can meet new people and learn about the world around them. Places like pet stores, farmer’s markets, parks (not dog parks), and even outdoor cafes are great for socializing your puppy. They get to experience new sights, sniff different scents, and interact with unfamiliar people and animals. This type of training plays a big part in shaping them into confident and happy adult dogs. Here are some places to consider when socializing your puppy: Pet Stores: Most pet stores allow dogs to accompany humans while shopping. This is a great opportunity for your puppy to encounter new sights, sounds, and smells in a controlled environment. Farmer’s Markets: Farmer’s markets are bustling with activity and offer a range of experiences for your puppy. Call ahead; not all farmer’s markets are dog-friendly. Visiting Friends and Family: Introducing your puppy to friends and family members helps them become comfortable around a variety of people. Parks: Head to a local park with your puppy to introduce them to new sights, sounds, and smells while meeting other people and leashed dogs. Outdoor Cafes: Many outdoor cafes and restaurants welcome well-behaved dogs. This allows your puppy to practice good manners in public settings while enjoying some quality time with you. Walking in Different Neighborhoods: Taking your puppy for walks in different neighborhoods exposes them to different sights, sounds, and smells. It also helps them learn how to cope with new environments. Subscribe to our Cavalier Tips and Fun YouTube channel for more free content! Keep these tips in mind for successful outings: Start Slow: Introduce your puppy to new experiences gradually, starting with quieter environments and gradually working your way up to busier ones. Stay Positive: Use plenty of treats and praise to reinforce good behavior during outings. Positive reinforcement goes a long way toward building your puppy’s confidence. Watch for Signs of Stress: Keep an eye out for signs of stress or discomfort in your puppy, such as excessive panting, yawning, or trying to hide. If your pup seems overwhelmed, it’s okay to take a step back and try again another time. Remember these simple puppy socialization tips to make your puppy’s experiences positive and fun for both of you! Your questions or comments are welcome below. Are you looking for even more ways to stay up to date with Raising Your Pets Naturally? Sign up for the newsletter for more tips and promotions. 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Google Adsense—> Dealing with Medication Side Effects and Helping Dexter Recover with Canine Rehabilitation As a dedicated pet parent to Dexter, my top priority is always his health and well-being. So, when he recently had a bout of stubborn diarrhea lasting for two days, it was time to call in his veterinarian. Dexter’s occasional bouts of tummy troubles are typically resolved with homemade dog congee and herbal remedies. However, this time, despite my usual natural remedies, Dexter continued to experience frequent bowel movements, so I took a sample in to his veterinarian. The diagnosis was mild inflammation in his gut, likely worsened by the discomfort of constant bowel movements. To address this, Dexter’s veterinarian prescribed Metronidazole, a common antibiotic for gastrointestinal issues. I don’t normally reach for medications for Dexter, but I wanted to help his pooping stop. Unexpected Side Effects with Metronidazole Within just a day of starting the prescribed medication, Dexter went down in the back. At fourteen years old, Dexter already faced mobility challenges, but the sudden loss of strength in his hind end was alarming. He wasn’t just weak; he was down. Witnessing his struggle to move was heartbreaking, to say the least. Thankfully, I was prepared for such emergencies and had a Help ’Em Up Harness, which provided assistance helping Dexter go outside to the bathroom and move from point A to B. He was so down in the back that I also helped him by holding up his back end during potty breaks. I was talking with my friend Lisa, who is in the veterinary field, and she suggested the possibility of adverse reactions to Metronidazole, which led me to discontinue the medication after just two doses. I also immediately set up an appointment with Dexter’s veterinarian for that day. Dexter’s vet was very reassuring that Dexter had not suffered any major spinal issues or strokes. She was confident he would regain his mobility. Dexter’s Recovery through Canine Rehabilitation Dexter was already receiving regular canine rehabilitation visits, about to three times a month, prior to his episode. Thank goodness! It was only a few days before Dexter would see Dr. Sam, his rehabilitation specialist. Dr. Sam tailored an exercise regimen to rebuild his strength and mobility for both his sessions with her and what I would continue at home. Over the following two months, I was committed to Dexter’s at-home rehabilitation, diligently following Dr. Sam’s guidance. Not only did Dexter receive his regular canine physical therapy, he also received electroacupuncture to aid in his mobility recovery. A Lesson Learned: Why Staying Alert is Key I’m thrilled to share that Dexter has made a remarkable and full recovery! Though it was scary and tough, it reminded me to always watch out for and stand up for our pets. I am so thankful for the assistance I received from my friends and Dexter’s professional team. Remember to trust your instincts, and if anything ever seems off with your pet, take immediate action. Dexter’s resilience and spirit inspire me daily. As Dr. Sam said, “We aren’t going to lose him to a case of diarrhea!” To the moon and back, monkey. To the moon and back.   Your questions or comments are welcome below. Are you looking for even more ways to stay up to date with Raising Your Pets Naturally? Sign up for the newsletter for more tips and promotions. Don’t forget to be social and Like, Follow and Subscribe. Facebook   Twitter   Pinterest   Instagram  YouTube                   Google Adsense—>   [...] Read more...
Google Adsense—> Dog-Friendly Road Trip with Limited Space Taking a dog-friendly road trip with Dexter is one of my favorite things to do in life. Dexter is now fourteen, and we have been on numerous trips, including times when we have had limited cargo space for our adventures. We are about to head out to Duluth in a small Prius, not just us, but with two other adults! Dexter is a raw-fed dog and also travels with a doggie stroller. I thought this would be the perfect time to discuss some ideas on how to travel with a dog with limited car space. Efficient Packing for a Small Car When hitting the pavement on a dog-friendly road trip in a small car, it’s important to pack efficiently for both your dog and yourself. Keeping things light is essential, especially if you’re driving a smaller car. For your dog, you might consider a collapsible bowl, small toys, and portable water bottles that have a sipper cup to save space. Try to pack only your dog’s essentials. The same goes for the humans. Focus on items that serve multiple purposes and avoid unnecessary bulk. By packing only the essentials and choosing smaller items when possible, you can make the most out of the limited space. For soft items, you can use compression bags. Another option is to roll them up. Both offer more space. If you are packing anything like blankets or towels, consider placing them under your dog’s crate or sitting area. This can offer a bit of cushion during the trip, but is also a pretty efficient way to pack these larger items that would take up a lot of space if folded. Car Organization You can keep smaller essentials and things you need to have access to during your trip in a car seat organizer. Things like water bottles, poop bags, bowls, pet wipes, tick spray, vet records, etc. This prevents them from rolling around and helps keep things organized and handy. Under the Seats Don’t forget under the car seats! This is a great place to store items you don’t need to have access to until you reach your destination. Dog Travel Safety When it comes to keeping your dog safe during car rides, look for a harness or crate that’s been crash tested….and passed! I say passed because I was actually contacted by a dog car harness brand that said their harness was crash tested. What they didn’t say was that the harness failed! So, do your homework. Traveling with a Raw-Fed Dog When traveling with raw-fed dogs like Dexter, there are various options you can consider to ensure their dietary needs are met while on the road. Options such as portioned raw meals, freeze-dried foods, food mixes, and even calling ahead to pet stores to check for fresh food availability can make a significant difference. For this trip, I’ve opted to simplify things by going the freeze-dried route. Divide and Freeze: If taking your dog’s raw food, start by portioning it into labeled freezer bags. This not only saves space in the cooler but also makes feeding on the road easier. Packing the Cooler: Selecting a cooler that fits snugly in your vehicle’s trunk or cargo area can be very helpful in saving space. I will admit, that we have a variety of coolers to choose from, depending on our vehicle and needs. If I’m taking Dexter’s raw food, I keep one day thawed in the cooler, and the other days frozen. I arrange either ice packs or ice cubes around the food to ensure it remains cold and fresh. If it’s a long road trip, I re-ice as needed. Filling the Trunk: The trunk is where Dexter’s doggie stroller goes. It’s a must for him, not an option. This is also where our luggage goes and possibly the cooler. Sometimes the cooler is in the back seat on the floor, sometimes the trunk. It just depends. Considering Rooftop Storage: If the interior space is limited, rooftop storage options like a roof rack or cargo boxes for larger luggage items such as suitcases or camping gear could provide the extra room we need. They even have soft-sided roof racks, which are what I’ve used in the past when I presented a dog training demonstration at a pet expo. I just had so many props, I needed more space. It was incredibly helpful in creating more space inside our car, making it easy to bring along everything we needed for the trip. Luckily, my mom is a packing wiz and always makes sure everything fits just right. Thanks to her assistance, we’re sure our Prius will be well-organized for our trip, making it smooth sailing with Dexter by our side. Your questions or comments are welcome below. Are you looking for even more ways to stay up to date with Raising Your Pets Naturally? Sign up for the newsletter for more tips and promotions. Don’t forget to be social and Like, Follow and Subscribe. Facebook   Twitter   Pinterest   Instagram  YouTube           Google Adsense—>   [...] Read more...
Google Adsense—> Is pet insurance worth the cost? This is my personal experience and might not reflect everyone’s experience. Should you get pet insurance? Is pet insurance worth it? I get asked these questions a lot. I do believe pet insurance is important because you just never know. As a dog mom who has used pet insurance with Dexter for many, many years, I’m still pro pet insurance. I want to share a few things to look for in a good pet insurance company and share my personal story regarding Dexter’s pet insurance and how his monthly premium went from $35 to now $250. How to Choose the Best Pet Insurance for Your Pet When looking at pet insurance options, there are a few things to think about. First off, consider any hereditary or congenital conditions your pet might be prone to. For example, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is prone to MVD, Chiari malformation, and syringomyelia. Different breeds have different health risks, and not all pet insurance plans cover hereditary conditions. I had to find a pet insurance company that would cover hereditary conditions. Some pet insurance plans might include coverage for regular vet visits, like yearly checkups and vaccinations. While this might be useful for some, I preferred handling those costs myself. Instead, I looked for a plan that would help with emergencies or if Dexter needed ongoing treatment down the line. I wanted to find coverage that would cover things like specialists, diagnostic tests, surgeries, cancer treatments, rehabilitation, and medications, if needed. When it came to specialists, I was looking for coverage for various types of experts, such as cardiologists, neurologists, and rehabilitation specialists. Thank goodness I did because Dexter’s future Chiari malformation and MVD required expert diagnosis and ongoing management from specialists in neurology and cardiology. Having pet insurance that covers this has been so helpful with his care. 🔔 Hit that subscribe button to stay in the loop for more Cavalier Tips and Fun! 🎥 After ensuring the pet insurance company offers the care you are looking for, you’ll want to look at the limits for each condition, the percentage they cover, and their monthly or yearly premium. To give an example, you might find a policy that has a $300 yearly deductible per condition and covers 80 percent of treatment for $x/month. Another policy may have a $400 per condition yearly deductible and cover 90 percent of treatment. These are the ins and outs of what you will be choosing from. Let me tell you about Dexter. He’s been my BFF since he was a pup. Now, at fourteen plus, he’s still kicking it, and I continue to try to provide him with the best care I possibly can. He’s had insurance since the beginning because I never wanted to have to make his care decisions solely based on the cost of treatment. Now, let’s talk about cost. When I first got insurance for Dexter, it was pretty affordable at $35 a month. It also had a $200 per condition yearly deductible, then 90 percent coverage. But, as he’s gotten older, the premiums have gone up and up and up. And the coverage has been going down. I’m now paying $250 a month, with a $500 per condition yearly deductible and 70 percent coverage. I just got off the phone with Dexter’s insurance company regarding his most recent price increase. They confirmed that Dexter’s insurance is higher than another fourteen-year-old Cavalier in my town due to the frequency of use. Essentially, because I take such good care of Dexter with his medical team, I’m being penalized for using his insurance. I have to say, Fetch® Pet Insurance really dropped the ball on this, and I won’t be using (my next dog) or recommending them to anyone in the future. It’s essential to consider not just coverage but also how the insurance company treats its customers. One thing I’ve decided is that next time, I will get insurance quotes as if my pet were older. Premiums tend to go up as pets age, so I figure I’ll get my quotes as if my dog is ten, not a puppy. That may provide me with a better idea of what I’ll be paying down the line. 🔔 Hit that subscribe button to stay in the loop for more Raising Your Pets Naturally! 🎥 Despite the price increase and decrease in Dexter’s coverage, having pet insurance that still covers a portion of his specialist visits and treatments is still a big help. And who knows what will happen down the road. Let’s face it—Dexter isn’t getting any younger, and I don’t plan on taking less care of him as he ages. Quite the opposite. He will need more proactive care to continue to help him thrive and beat the odds. When choosing a pet insurance company, make sure to carefully review the coverage for specialists, medications, diagnostic testing, hereditary conditions, etc. Choose a policy that fits your pet’s unique needs, especially if they require continuous specialist care like Dexter. Your questions or comments are welcome below. Are you looking for even more ways to stay up to date with Raising Your Pets Naturally? Sign up for the newsletter for more tips and promotions. Don’t forget to be social and Like, Follow and Subscribe. Facebook   Twitter   Pinterest   Instagram  YouTube Google Adsense—>   [...] Read more...