Why Does Your Dog Lick You? | How to Curb the Excessive Licking (Early access for our Patreon community)

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Why do dogs lick?
Stop dog licking behaviors.

Raising Your Pets Naturally

Dog Licking Behavior Explained

Have you ever wondered why your dog licks you? Or maybe how to stop all that licking when it gets a little too much? Well, you’re in the right place for today’s dog behavior post!

Today, I’m sharing three main reasons why your dog might be licking you and some quick tips on how to curb excessive licking. Let’s dive in!

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You Taste Good!

Yep, it’s that simple sometimes. One reason your dog might lick your face or hands is because you taste good! Maybe you’ve got some food scraps left on your face, or you’ve just come back from an active day, and all those tasty smells and flavors are too irresistible. Dogs are super sensitive to your hormones, too. So, if you’re a little stressed, or even if it’s that time of the month, you might get a bit of extra attention in the form of licking!

My dog always licks me
What does my dog lick me when I get home?

It’s Their Way of Saying Hello

Dogs have a greeting ritual, and licking is one of their ways to show excitement when you come home. It’s like they’re saying, “Here I am! Here you are! I’m so happy to see you!” It’s a happy, friendly gesture.

Your Dog May Be Stressed or Anxious

Sometimes, dogs lick because they’re feeling stressed or anxious. Licking can be a way of saying, “Hey, I mean no harm,” or “I’m not a threat, promise!” You might notice this if your dog is around strangers or guests. They’ll start licking you or even themselves, like their paw or something nearby, to try and ease their own stress. It’s a sign they’re feeling a bit unsure of the situation.

A dog may lick because of stress and anxiety
Anxiety and stress can cause licking.

How to Stop Excessive Licking in Dogs

If your dog’s licking is getting a little out of hand, here are some things to try.

  • For Tasty Licks or Excited Greetings
    If your dog is licking you because you taste good or they’re just super excited to see you, allow a quick little lick and then gently redirect them. Hand them a chew toy, bone, or toss them an exciting toy to keep them busy and focused on that and not you.
  • For Stressful Licking
    If your dog’s licking is stress-related, don’t punish them or yell at them. That’ll only make them more nervous, and they’ll probably lick even more to try and smooth things over. Instead, calmly redirect them to another activity, like I mentioned above. If stress is a regular issue, work on building their confidence in those situations, and the licking should naturally decrease over time. As always, you can also seek the help of your dog’s vet and a professional dog behavior counselor who focuses on dog anxiety and positive training methods. They can help get to the root of your dog’s anxiety and help you work through it together.

Wrapping It Up

I hope these tips gave you some insight into why your dog might be licking you and how you can reduce that extra licking! Whether your dog’s licking you because you taste yummy, they’re excited to see you, or they’re feeling a bit stressed, understanding the “why” can really help us address the behavior in a gentle, positive way. Remember, it’s all about building that connection and helping your dog feel safe and confident.

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