I was born on October 6, 2009. I had 4 brothers & 3 sisters. My favorite sibling is Lambeau, we really are still buddies! A wonderful woman (My first Mom), were my caretakers for the first part of my life. They made sure that my first few months were filled with love, care & good food!
On November 15, 2009, a family came to visit us. They spent about 3 hours playing, holding & talking to me & my brothers. I fell in love immediately with them! I especially was fond of “Tonya” and did not want to leave her side. I was sad to see them go, but Tonya said she would see me in about 6 weeks. She left a soft blanket for us to lay & play on.
December 19, 2009, was a very cold & snowy day. I could tell something was going on because the family was buzzing around getting some bags & doggie seats together. A nice family came by in the morning & loved on one of my sisters. We said our goodbyes & she went off to her new wonderful home.
THEN I SAW THEM! I knew they wouldn’t let me down. 🙂 Tonya & the rest of her family came to visit me again. Tonya spent another hour playing with me & Lambeau. She told me how happy she was to finally be able to take me to my new home, for a brand new adventure.
The family loaded me up in my car seat, covered me with my nice blanket & toys & off we went.