Cat Supplements, Joint Supplements for Cats | Agile Joints Plus for Cats Review

Cat Supplements, Cat Joint Supplements Reviewed

Agile Joints PLUS for Cats Review

Agile Joints Plus for Cats
Agile Joints Plus for Cats

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored review from Pet Wellbeing. However, I will always offer my readers an unbiased and honest account of my experiences. Your trust is very appreciated, and never taken for granted. ~Tonya, Dexter and Nutter

As a Cat Mom, I aspire to raise my cats as naturally as possible and provide them with healthy cat supplements for optimal health. Knowing I only want the best for my cats, Pet Wellbeing reached out to me to try their product Agile Joints PLUS for Cats. I thought both Nutter The Cat and Delilah would benefit from this product.

Nutter is about 17 years old and had patella surgery about 10 years ago. Delilah is just 2, but from the beginning, she has had joint issues. These two cats are the perfect candidates for a healthy joint supplement for cats. Agile Joints PLUS for Cats provides daily maintenance of joints and connective tissue. The active ingredients, Perna canaliculus (GlycOmega™ brand Green Lipped Mussel), MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), Glucosamine HCl, DMG (N,N-Dimethylglycine HCl), and Manganese, help lubricate the joints to provide a cat with full range of motion and comfort.

But what if your cat isn’t showing any signs of pain or arthritis? Prevention is always a good measure. A study in 2002 showed that degenerative joint disease was detected radiographically in 90% of geriatric cats over 12, and may be an overlooked cause of clinical disease. Those are some terrifying test results. Providing a cat with a healthy joint supplement can help decrease this risk, or at least postpone it. After all, can’t we all use a little more mobility?

Joint Supplements for Cats
Joint Supplements for Cats

All right then. Providing Nutter and Delilah a natural joint supplement is going to be a great addition to their healthy lifestyle. So, let’s take a look at the ingredient panel for Agile Joints PLUS for Cats. Remember, it’s about all the ingredients in a product, not just the active ingredients.

Agile Joints PLUS for Cats Ingredients: Perna canaliculus (GlycOmega™ brand Green Lipped Mussel), MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), Glucosamine HCl, DMG (N,N-Dimethylglycine HCl), Manganese, Brewer’s Yeast, Calcium Sulfate, Canola Oil, Chicken Liver Flavor, Citric Acid, Glycerin, Maltodextrin, Mixed tocopherols, Propionic Acid, Rosemary Extract, Silicon Dioxide, Sodium Alginate, Soy Lecithin, Vegetable Oil, Whey.

Pet Wellbeing Agile Joint Supplement for Cats
Pet Wellbeing Agile Joint Supplement for Cats

The active ingredients in Agile Joints are really nice ingredients. Now, let’s talk about some of the inactive ingredients we have. Brewer’s yeast can have many health benefits for cats, including providing vitamins and maintaining healthy skin and coat. However, some cats have allergic reactions to brewer’s yeast, so keep an eye out for scratching. Chicken Liver Flavor is a flavor, not a real ingredient.  Glycerin is something that Dexter The Dog cannot have. Anytime he has a glycerin product, his stools immediately get loose. Glycerin can “lube intestines up.” Glycerin or glycerol can actually be produced as a by-product of diesel fuel, so I immediately contacted Pet Wellbeing to find out how they obtain their glycerin. They assured me theirs is vegetable-based and widely tolerated. Soy Lecithin raised a red flag, as a lot of pets and people are allergic to soy products. However, a little internet searching produced various sites saying that soy lecithin does not typically contain enough soy proteins to produce an allergic response.

So, all and all, I feel comfortable doing a review of Pet Wellbeing’s Agile Joints PLUS for Cats. I will pay close attention to both cats’ stool to ensure they are tolerating the glycerin and oils. I would prefer they eliminate the inactive ingredients and provide the active ingredients in a powder form. The directions are pretty easy: give 2 chews per 10lbs of body weight daily for 4-6 weeks, then for maintenance, 1 chew per 10lbs of body weight daily. Stay tuned for the second installment of our review.


I am happy to report that both cats have been enjoying their Agile Joints PLUS for Cats. They have been gobbling up the joint treat even before they eat their healthy cat food. Neither cat has had any stool or digestion issues since taking the pills.

I can’t say that I’ve seen a difference in either cat’s behavior or mobility. They both have been pretty active cats, thanks to their healthy diets. But I consider pet joint supplements a preventive measure, in hopes of providing longevity and a full, active life.

If you have a cat with mobility limitations, a senior cat, or a cat breed that is predisposed to joint disease, please get them on a healthy diet full of real food, and then check out Pet Wellbeing’s Agile Joints PLUS for Cats. Remember, your cat is counting on you for his good health.

Do you provide your cat with a joint supplement?  Tell me in the comments.

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