Published Books by Tonya Wilhelm
If you are looking for the best dog training book for your dog, check out my positive dog training books. They are written with you in mind. These dog behavior and dog training books are easy to follow and easy to implement.
Sweet Cavaliers Coloring Book: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dogs Adult Coloring Book Original Drawings and Illustrations Each fun and original Cavalier spaniel drawing offers a fun page to color. You will find Cavalier mandala, simple scenes, complex, full body, and headshots. There are 50 images to choose from. Use your favorite colored pencils or markers. Color your Cavalier black and tan, Blenheim, Tri-Colored, or Ruby. It’s up to you. Let your creativity run wild. Order from Amazon.
Sweet Dogs Coloring Book for Adults 50 Unique dog coloring pages just waiting to be colored. Some of the dogs inside this relaxing and fun coloring book were drawn from real-life dogs! Afghan Hound, American Bulldog, American Bulldog & Boxer Mix, American Cocker Spaniel, American Eskimo Dog, Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd, Basset Hound, Bernese Mountain Dog, Bichon Frise, Biewer Terrier, Border Collie, Brittany Spaniel, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua, Chinese Crested, Chinese Crested Mix, Chow Chow, Dalmatian, Dogue de Bordeaux, English Cocker Spaniel, English Setter, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Havanese, Labradoodle, Labrador Retriever, Lhasa Apso, Mixed Breed, Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen, Pomeranian, Poodle, Portuguese Water Dog, Pug, Rottweiler, Rough Collie, Saluki, Shar Pei, Siberian Husky, Smooth Saluki, Welsh Corgi, and a Whippet. Order from Amazon.
Dexter the Dog and Friends: Dexter Makes New Friends Dexter The Dog and Friends series follows Dexter through various stories and travels focusing on difficult topics such as disabilities, adoption, bullies, and death in an uplifting and inspiring manner. The books are about promoting acceptance, friendship, and living life to the fullest.
In Dexter the Dog and Friends: Dexter Makes New Friends, Dexter and his mom just moved to a new home. To help Dexter adapt to his new home, his mom takes him to the dog park. That’s where Dexter meets Levi, who quickly becomes his best friend. Levi introduces Dexter to all the dogs in the dog park.
This brightly illustrated children’s book is more than just a cute dog book, inside your preschoolers and K-3 children will learn about:
- Good friends
- Diversity
- Inclusion
- Disabilities
- Living life
Order from Amazon.
Dexter the Dog Takes a Bath Coloring and Activity Book Are you searching for a unique dog coloring and activity book for your preschool boy or girl? One that is filled with original dog drawings that will engage your child? This children’s dog coloring and activity book circles around Dexter and his bath story.
Inside this cute dog activity book for girls and boys, you will find Dexter the Dog taking his bath. The first part of this children’s dog coloring book follows Dexter as he plays in the water, chases frogs, and hides from his bath. A truly unique dog coloring book with a story about taking a bath and dog care. Available on Amazon.
Proactive Puppy Care: Preventing Puppy Problems If you are looking for an advanced positive reinforcement puppy training book, you won’t want to pass up Proactive Puppy Care: Preventing Puppy Problems. When it comes to dog training and behavior books, it’s best to get on the right paw as soon as your new puppy arrives. In this comprehensive training puppies book, you will have the tools to raise a healthy and happy puppy that will become a valuable member of your family.
Inside Proactive Puppy Care, you will find chapters on positive reinforcement dog training, management, toys, crate training your puppy, confidence building for puppies, games, preventing common behavioral problems, proper and safe socialization, potty training, nipping, leash walking, manners, basic behavioral cues, chews, grooming, traveling and so much more. Even adults or rescue dogs can benefit from this book. Order from Amazon or as an instant download in my Etsy shop.
Please Stay: Help for a Dog with Separation Anxiety Living and caring for a dog who has dog separation anxiety can be very stressful for both the dog and their human family. I get it. I too had a dog with separation anxiety….thunder phobia, noise phobia, and was reactive to other dogs. But, there is a humane way to help alleviate your dog’s stress when you leave the home or even go outside to grab the mail.
Please Stay: Help for a Dog with Separation Anxiety is a comprehensive treatment program for curing your dog’s separation anxiety. Are you going to cure your dog’s separation anxiety quickly? Not likely. I wish I could say treating separation anxiety in dogs is fast, but curing a dog with separation anxiety quickly is an unrealistic goal if your dog has been afraid to be alone for a long time.
Don’t leave me now. With my book on treating separation anxiety in dogs, I will take you step-by-step through reliable, positive, and effective training goals. Available on Amazon or in my Etsy shop as an instant download.
Dexter’s Delights: Fun and Healthy Treats for Dogs Healthy dog treat recipes you can feel good about making your favorite puppy or dog! Dexter’s Delights: Fun and Healthy Treats for Dogs will open your mind to a whole new world of healthy, homemade dog treat recipes.
You love your dog and you want the best for their health. Say no to nasty ingredients such as corn, wheat flour, soy, and sugar. Instead, say yes to coconut oil, pumpkin, bananas, blueberries, sweet potatoes, meat, and more.
In this comprehensive dog treat recipe book, you will learn fun ways to incorporate healthy foods, herbs, and spices into your dog’s puppy treat recipes. This large collection of dog treat recipes ranges from easy homemade dog treats to more complex recipes. Get ready for some baking fun with this collection of more than 50 unique and beneficial dog treat recipes. Full-color photos, easy step-by-step instructions, nutritional information, and more. Order from Amazon.
What’s For Dinner, Dexter? Cooking For Your Dog Using Chinese Medicine Theory Home cooking for your dog can be fun and easy. By using Chinese Medicine theory, you can keep your pet healthy using fresh, wholesome food ingredients. Learn how in What’s For Dinner, Dexter?
The pet-owner bond is strengthened when owners feel they are contributing to their pet’s well-being and good health on one of the most intimate levels of human bonding: food. Home cooking for your dog can be fun and easy. By using Chinese Medicine theory, you can keep your pet healthy using fresh, wholesome food ingredients. Learn to use food as medicine by following the simple guidelines in What’s For Dinner, Dexter? Over 50 main dishes for your dog, some travel meals and snacks. Order from Amazon.
Dog Training Tracker Keep track of your dog training goals and progress with this dog training tracker. The best way to achieve your dog training goals is to start with a training plan. Document your dog training sessions in this dog training tracker logbook, perfect for the dog trainer or student. If you are looking for a dog training tracker book, look no further. This dog training logbook was created by a positive dog trainer for trainers or the dog parent.
It’s now available on Amazon or as an instant download in my Etsy shop.
Puppy Journal and Planner: My Puppy’s First Year Capture the memories of your new puppy in these fun puppy journal pages. This puppy journal is more than a fun editable page, it also provides you with positive puppy training tips. Keep track of your puppy’s potty habits, training goals, and veterinarian visits. Now available on Amazon or as an instant download in my Etsy shop.