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Wordless Wednesday National Specially-abled Pets Day

Happy National Specially-abled Pets Day! I love the name of this holiday. There are many pet parents who are loved by a special-needs pet. It can be quite a learning curve in the beginning to figure out what a pet needs to thrive in life. But, once we do, they open our world and our hearts to a whole new level of love. It’s important to celebrate our differences and the differences of our pets.

Does your pet have special needs? Tell me in the comments.
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Can’t agree with you more. Raising a special needs pet takes patience, courage, love, but at the same time it is so rewarding. Happy National Specially-abled Pets Day!
<3 Thanks. Back at ya!
What a wonderful day to celebrate!
🙂 Perfect day.
Great post! <3
🙂 Thanks
I had no idea this was a formal day to recognize special pets! My blind cat Lucy would be so disappointed in me. I’ll make it up to her next year, I’m sure.
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie
<3 Your poor kitty. Hopefully, she won't give you the cold shoulder. ;)