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Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? Health Benefits of Strawberries

Happy National Strawberry Day. So, it’s a little strange that the national day for strawberries would be in late February when they are in prime season late spring through summer. Maybe it’s because they’re red and heart-shaped, reminding us of Valentine’s Day. Nevertheless, let’s talk strawberries.
Strawberries have many health benefits for your pets and yourself. These fragrant berries come from the rose family. They are a perfect sweet snack that you can pick from the plant and eat whole. One medium strawberry comes in at 4 calories. But don’t let the small calorie count fool you: these healthy berries are high in vitamin C, magnesium and antioxidants. This allows the strawberry to be a good healthy choice to help boost the immune system and fight infection and free radicals. Add in cancer-fighting flavonoids, and this is one powerful heart-shaped food.
When you look at the strawberry through Traditional Chinese Medicine, the strawberry is energetically cooling, making this an ideal fruit for the summer and to help soothe excess Yang. It also aids in quenching thirst; is moisturizing for the skin, lungs, liver, and kidneys; and helps with constipation.
The strawberry deserves a place on your plate and in your dog’s food bowl. Need some inspiration? Check out my healthy recipe Strawberry Chia Ice Cream to Share.
Do you share strawberries with your pets? Tell me in the comments.
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Dehydrate strawberries for a healthy snack |