Sweet Dipping Sauce

Sweet Dipping Sauce

I love the sweet & savory flavor.  Now it’s time to try to find something to dip and/or

Getting ready for the heat.

marinate my food in.  So, here is my first try at something to fill that void.

  • 1/4C Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/8C Red Wine Vinegar
  • 1/4C Organic Honey
  • 1/4C Organic Brown Sugar

First I whisked all the items together.  Then I thought about thickening it up, so I decided to try cooking it on the stove.  This was a last minute idea, so I had no idea what I was going to do, or what I was doing!


After the boil.

I put the pan on medium/high heat & stirred continually until the mix came to a boil.  I then let the mix sit in the pan for awhile until it was dinner time.

The mix tasted pretty good.  It ended pretty thick (honey like) & sweet.  I’m a-ok with it, but I think I need to keep trying, maybe a little less sweet.  Tonight I am going to try it as a marinade for my chicken.


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