Can Dogs Have Oysters?

As someone who feeds a fresh, raw diet to her dog, I’m always looking for healthy and nutritionally dense foods to rotate into Dexter’s meals. I believe in adding variety to Dexter’s meals for both completeness and flavor. I have been rotating oysters from clean waters for many years, and here’s why.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory (TCM) and Oysters
I first began giving Dexter oysters because according to TCM oysters help resolve phlegm and are draining (reduces fluid-build up). This is super important because Dexter has Chiari malformation and syringomyelia, which produces a buildup of spinal fluid. By providing foods that reduce fluids and phlegm, I am aiding in Dexter’s health and comfort.
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Health Benefits of Oysters for Dogs
Oysters are low in calories, but are full of nutrients, including healthy fats, minerals, vitamins, and protein. They are packed with Vitamin B12, zinc, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. By providing Dexter with one ounce of oysters, I can provide his daily zinc, copper, and omega-3 requirements! That’s not bad for this tiny sea creature.

Side Effects of Oysters
As with a lot of things, too much of a good thing can be bad for your dog’s health. If you haven’t already, please read my article on why your pet’s foods and supplements should be regularly rotated. Oysters are bottom feeders, which means they clean up the bottom of water systems, including toxins and algae blooms. Look for oysters that come from cooler, clean water supplies. Some companies even test their products for contamination.
If you are purchasing oysters for your dog, you can buy fresh or canned oysters. Do not feed your dog smoked oysters or oysters with preservatives or salt. I recommend feeding your dog prepared oysters instead of raw oysters. Lightly sauté, bake, boil, or dehydrate before serving.

Have you fed your dog oysters? Tell me in the comments.
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