Connect With Loved Ones Daily: Daily Connection Jar

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Raising Your Pets, Dogs and Cats Naturally

Connecting with Family and Pets Daily Challenge

Instead of putting weekly good things that happened, I want you to put DAILY connecting with another inside your jar. When I think of connecting with people or connecting with our pets, I think of putting away all distractions (TV, cell phones, internet) and really just being in the moment with the other person or your pet.
Connecting with your pets and family.

Have you seen the post about the New Year’s Jar? The gist is that you start each year with an empty jar and each week you write a note about something good that happened during the week, and place the note inside the jar. Then, on New Year’s Eve, you read all the great and positive things that happened in your life. How fun is that?

As someone who works really hard at staying positive and trying to find the good in each situation, I am totally in love with this idea. However, I’m going to challenge you and myself to a little twist on this positive concept.

Here’s what I would like you to do. Instead of putting weekly good things that happened, I want you to put DAILY connecting with another inside your jar. When I think of connecting with people or connecting with our pets, I think of putting away all distractions (TV, cell phones, internet) and really just being in the moment with the other person or your pet. I think too often we get distracted by life, work, careers, etc. and we forget why we are doing everything. I’m no different. I, too, get very distracted and focused on the job vs. my human and furry family.

I want you to put DAILY connecting with another inside your jar. When I think of connecting with people or connecting with our pets, I think of putting away all distractions (TV, cell phones, internet) and really just being in the moment with the other person or your pet.
Connecting daily with your family and pets is important.

Okay, I’m going to log off and go take Dexter The Dog to the dog park for a sniffy walk. Can you shut everything else down for 5 minutes and connect with a family member or co-worker? When you do, write a little note about that time and put it in your jar. Then go back on New Year’s Eve and read about all the moments you created with those who are part of your life.

I want you to put DAILY connecting with another inside your jar. When I think of connecting with people or connecting with our pets, I think of putting away all distractions (TV, cell phones, internet) and really just being in the moment with the other person or your pet.
Bonding with family and pets.

What do you think? Do you think this is a reasonable goal?

Will you join me on this mission of connecting with our loved ones daily?

Tell me in the comments.

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Instead of putting weekly good things that happened, I want you to put DAILY connecting with another inside your jar. When I think of connecting with people or connecting with our pets, I think of putting away all distractions (TV, cell phones, internet) and really just being in the moment with the other person or your pet.

30 thoughts on “Connect With Loved Ones Daily: Daily Connection Jar

    1. Thanks, Shannon! I’m thrilled to have inspired your positivity. 🙂

  1. Haven’t heard of that but it’s a good idea, it’s another version of a gratitude journal. The best thing is to buy a journal and every day write 3 things you’re grateful for that day. It really will change your life!!

    1. Thanks, Hindy. Yes, the gratitude journal is a great idea. I would love people to do both! I’m hoping with this challenge to help people connect with their loved ones daily. 🙂

    1. Thanks. Yes, I’ve seen the gratitude ideas, which sprung this connecting with family idea. 🙂

  2. I too love the idea and I love how you put your own touch to it. I will be honest, I do not think I could commit to a daily note. Weekly I could do. I know, it seems silly not to be able to take a few minutes to jot something down right? LOL Either way, I do think it is a lovely idea, and thank you for being an inspiration to us.

    1. Just a jot. Not just connecting with pets, but our human family and friends too. 🙂

  3. I think it’s a nice initiative, but I’m not sure I’d have the staying power to keep it up all year. There’s too much else happening around me.

    1. That’s a shame. I hope you find 5 minutes everyday to connect with another being. <3

  4. What a lovely idea!! I was actually just starting a DIY jar project with workday affirmations for myself, but I just adore this concept. I’m working on a memory planner for the animals this year (I’m going to be writing about it soon) and will definitely incorporate this practice. Love, love the focus on connection! Thank you for the wonderful inspiration!

    1. Thanks, Maggie. A memory planner sounds very nice. I can’t wait to read your post.

  5. This is a great idea. Daily would be difficult for me to start out with. Weekly may be a reachable goal, with the idea to do it more often. It’s a great way to make you realize it’s time to stop with the electronic things and enjoy the loved ones around you.

    1. Thanks, Lola. Yes, daily is a challenge. I haven’t been able to do daily with Dexter (he’s had a few off-days medically), but that’s when the rest of the family can squeeze in. ;0

  6. Both jars sound like a great way to be present in the moment and then look back and reflect on the good things of the year.

    1. Yes. And since our family and pets are only around for such a short time, I thought this would be a great way to help ensure we take the time.

  7. Love this idea! My hubby and I are always trying to get family to “unplug” especially when we are together. I’m going to give this the ol’ Girl Scout try! I think it would be really great to be on the other side of this and read all the notes in the jar when done! Very inspiring.

    1. Thanks! That’s my hope on New Year’s Eve! Let me know if you do it too. 🙂

  8. This sounds like it will be a great way to focus on spending more time with others this year. I bet Dexter will love it! My kitties make sure that I take time out just for them every day. It’s part of what they do to help me through my bipolar disorder. A little cuddling can go a long way!

    1. Thanks! It’s hard when we get wrapped up in other things to remember why we are here.

  9. We call our down time the “no phone zone” and we are so glad we instituted this many years ago. It allows us to be a family in an environment without distractions. So yes, we are all for this idea!

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