Dog-Friendly Travel and Destinations
Dog-Friendly Travel Consultant for Tourism Destinations

My name is Tonya Wilhelm, and I’ve been in the pet field for over twenty years. I am a writer, blogger, and published author who loves visiting new locations with my trusty companion, Dexter the Dog. We love exploring new places, restaurants, festivals, parks, and cities. I’m not the only dog lover looking to travel to new destinations with my canine companion.
Pet ownership has been on a consistent rise for more than two decades. According to the 2017–2018 National Pet Owners Survey, 68 percent of U.S. households (85 million families) own a pet, 89 million of those pets being dogs. This is an increase of 56 percent since 1988. Traveling with pets has seen a 19 percent increase (37 percent) from 10 years ago.
With pet ownership continuing to rise, and the deep desire people have to travel and include their dogs, I am on a mission to help destinations reach this vast active market by launching a Dog-Friendly Tourism Initiative.
With my unique background as a dog trainer, service dog trainer, and dog-friendly traveler, I can help your destination improve your dog-friendly footprint and attract the growing pet market. My customized dog-friendly tourism consulting services can assist your location in becoming a dog-friendly destination that tourists will visit time and time again.
The Dog-Friendly Tourism Initiative isn’t just for visitors; it benefits local dog families and business alike. When you create a warm and welcoming dog-friendly destination, locals will naturally help promote their hometown to their friends and families. They will be proud to call your city home.
I am committed to bringing dog-friendly tourism front and center in the travel industry. I offer a variety of comprehensive travel programs focused on improving the dog-friendly tourism market and creating a positive experience for travelers and business alike.
I invite you to review a few of my dog-friendly tourism ideas and services. I am available via email, phone, Skype or, for best results, in person. Together, we can develop the best-customized package plan to reach your goals.

Top 6 Dog-Friendly Tourism Topics
- Off-Leashed Dog Parks and Beaches-Are they really an attraction, or are they a risk? Pros and cons of off-leashed areas. I will also cover how to make an off-leashed area safer and more enjoyable with suggested rules, size, and amenities.
- On-Leash Trails and Walkways-What constitutes a truly dog-friendly path? I will cover terrain, potty areas, drinking spots, pickup stations, burrs, ticks, etc.
- Dog-Friendly Restaurants-Space, space, space. Just because a restaurant allows dogs, doesn’t mean the space is conducive to dogs. I will help you evaluate restaurant space and offer suggestions on how to make it more dog-friendly and safe for the servers.
- Destination Website-Travelers search the internet for information prior to booking their vacations. I will provide you with website ideas on how to promote your destination as a must-see dog-friendly vacation. SEO is your friend. Freelance articles and images are always available. Example topics: dog etiquette (hotel, beach, parks, cafes, greeting, etc.), beach safety, hiking safety, natural pest treatments (tick/flea), on-leash fun, day-trip-itinerary ideas, roundups, staying hydrated, swimming safety—water intoxication is serious, teaching a dog to run with a bike, keeping a dog fit and fun for seniors/special needs.
- Merchandise Ideas-Keep your destination front and center after your guest goes home. Choosing the right products that dog parents will actually use is key to ensure you are not just wasting your money.
- Pet Packages-You aren’t in this alone. With the help of your partners, we can brainstorm on various pet packages and perks that you can offer your visitors.

Other topics can include visitor/local challenges, rentals (stroller, wagon, etc.), weather challenges, photo opportunities, social media hashtags, slogan, logo design, dog-friendly events and dog events and pet-friendly signs.
Educational Town Meetings
Effective tourism is about bring the town together and sharing ideas. In this meeting, I will spearhead a lively conversation with local business and local dog owners on how the new dog-friendly tourism initiative. We will discuss any of their concerns and together we will brainstorm ideas and suggestions to ensure the initiative is a success for everyone.
Dog-Friendly Ambassadors
Local dog owners will become the town’s dog-friendly ambassadors and will lead by example. We will discuss proper dog etiquette and how their example paves the way for future dog-friendly destinations.
Contact me today to discuss how your destination can become a bucket-list destination for dog enthusiasts.
Tonya Wilhelm and Dexter The Dog

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