Five Ways to Reduce Static Electricity in Your Home | Pet-Friendly and Kid-Friendly Home Care

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Raising Your Pets, Dogs and Cats Naturally

Reduce Static Electricity in Your Home and Pets Naturally

Natural Solutions for Pet Care

Here are five ways to naturally help combat static electricity in your home and with your pet. #raisingyourpetsnaturally
Here are five ways to naturally help combat static electricity in your home and with your pet.

Today is National Static Electricity Day. Obviously, living in Ohio during the winter months, static electricity is a common theme in our home. Or I should say how to naturally decrease static electricity in the home. When positive and negative charged atoms on different surfaces come into contact, they cause what we call static electricity. Not only can static electricity cause a sometimes-painful shock, but the discharges can also ignite flammable items and damage electronics. Pets often receive the brunt of static shock with their fuzzy feet walking on carpet, then touching the metal water bowl or another surface. Some pets can even become fearful or agitated during winter months, possibly due to the “unknown shock.”

Here are five ways to naturally help combat static electricity in your home and with your pet. #raisingyourpetsnaturally
Our friend Tucker!

Here are five ways to naturally help combat static electricity in your home and with your pet.

    1. Nourishing foods in winter: If you recall my article on the energetics of food, you might remember that food affects our body and mind. Even though we want to warm up our bodies with energetically warming foods, too many warming foods can also over dry our bodies having us become “too Yang.” Moderation is always key. Try adding foods that are moisturizing to the body, such as kelp, tomato, cucumbers, apples, banana, pears, clams, crab, oysters, duck, or rabbit.
    2. Stay hydrated: It is important that you and your pet are fully hydrated during the winter months. Okay, all the time. Our organs, including the largest one, our skin, need water to function properly and to continue to be moist instead of dry or cracked.
    3. Coconut oil: Coconut oil seems to have a place in our everyday lives for almost every ailment, including helping to keep our skin and hair moisturized. Keep a glass jar of organic coconut oil by all your sinks so that after you wash and dry your hands, you can apply the coconut oil to keep your hands moisturized and supple. Massage about 2 teaspoons of melted coconut oil into your scalp and hair and leave on for 30 minutes or longer. Wash out with warm water. Repeat as often as necessary. You can also rub some organic coconut oil into your pet’s coat too!
    4. Humidifier: Running a cool mist humidifier daily is a must in our home. This has been an excellent way to remove the static and to bring much needed moisture into our home during the winter. Please be cautious when choosing a location to ensure that your pets do not get injured by chewing the cord or knocking it over.
    5. Damp washcloth: When you are running a load of laundry, place a damp washcloth inside your dryer during the last 20 minutes of the dry cycle. This little hack helps to bring moisture into your clothes and helps to naturally eliminate static cling.

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Here are five ways to naturally help combat static electricity in your home and with your pet. #raisingyourpetsnaturally #static #naturalpets #naturaldogs
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10 thoughts on “Five Ways to Reduce Static Electricity in Your Home | Pet-Friendly and Kid-Friendly Home Care

    1. Great! Not that you are getting zapped, but that you’ll try some of these. 😉

  1. I love Tucker’s ‘do! I didn’t realize dogs could be affected by static so much, though sometimes Cow shocks me when she gives me her morning nose-kiss. Just another good reason to rub her down in coconut oil!

  2. Interesting timing, I just mentioned to Deb and Tucker that I had been getting shocked. But what really freaked me out is recently I went to turn on the hallway light, got shocked and the smoke alarm beeped loudly for a couple of seconds. Your article brings light to what might have happened with electrical discharge. Needless to say there is the great smell of coconut throughout the house and on me. lol

    1. Wow! That’s pretty scary! I get a lot of static in the winter in my room which is also my office. My computer is constantly poking me. But, with the humidifier, that’s not the case.

  3. When it comes to the tomatoes listed please remember they are in the nightshade family, the stems and leaves are not at all ok to give pets.

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