Are Hardwood Floors Safe for Your Dog? | Tips to Prevent Injury and Slipping on Slippery Floors

5 Ways To Help Your Dog Walk on Slippery Floors

Are Hardwood Floors Safe for Your Dog? Tips to Prevent Injury and Slipping on Slippery Floors. #raisingyourpetsnaturally
Tips to prevent falling and injury.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, I will always offer my readers an unbiased and honest account of my experiences. Your trust is very appreciated, and never taken for granted. ~Tonya, Dexter and Angel Nutter

Have you ever seen a “funny” video of a dog or puppy sliding across the kitchen floor? When I see these videos pop up in my news feed, my first reaction is, “I hope that dog is okay.” A dog slipping and sliding across a slick surface is not only physically dangerous to the dog but also can be very scary for him.

As a professional dog trainer, I often find myself working with clients on how to teach their dogs not to be afraid of walking on a hard or slick surface. You may be asking yourself why this is such a common behavior problem. Let’s take a little peek into a dog’s anatomy and how a dog naturally engages his feet during walking then compare that to a hard surface.

Are Hardwood Floors Safe for Your Dog? Tips to Prevent Injury and Slipping on Slippery Floors. #raisingyourpetsnaturally
Photo credit-Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips

Why Are Slippery Floors Hard For Dogs?

Dr, Julie Buzby, the founder of Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips explains that dogs don’t use their foot pads for traction, they instead use their toenails. “They will engage their paws, flex their toes, and dig their nails into the ground like soccer cleats.” Now, if you think about a hard surface, a dog cannot walk as he naturally would. Instead, his nails are pushed up higher, especially if a dog’s nails are not trimmed properly. This change not only can affect a dog’s gait, but also his security and his confidence.

Puppies are in the process of learning about their bodies and their world. Their zest and enthusiasm for life can often lead them down a path of injury caused by running across a room, hitting a slick floor, and twisting their body or even slamming into a piece of furniture.

Senior dogs also have their own set of concerns when it comes to walking on slippery floors. They are likely to be less secure on their feet, causing them to easily lose their balance and splay out on the floor. It is also harder for senior dogs to get up from a down position on a hard floor, since they don’t typically have the strength in their legs and body to push up, given their toenails can’t dig in as they would on carpet or the ground.

5 Ways To Help Your Dog Walk on Slippery Floors

In a dog’s ideal world, all surfaces would be made out of dirt. I’m not going to advise you to rip up your tile and toss dirt down or to boot your dog to live outside. I’m not even going to say carpet your entire house, although that is a nice option for a lot of dogs and families. Here are a few ideas to help your dog navigate a home with non-carpeted rooms.

  1. Keep your dog’s nails trimmed short. The longer a dog’s nails, the more likely your dog won’t walk properly (even with carpet). If you have slick floors, the challenge of walking safely across the floor is even harder.
  2. Keep the hair between your dog’s toes short and trimmed. If your dog is a breed with “slippers,” ensure that the bottom of his pads are trimmed. Fuzzy pads will only escalate the slipping possibilities for your dog. Learn how to groom your dog at home.
  3. Carpet runners are a nice solution if you can strategically place them in the walking path of your dog. This is especially important if you have stairs. Slick stairs are a disaster waiting to happen.
  4. No running down the hall games! No more playing games on slick floors. That is a surefire way to cause injury. Play outdoors if your dog is running, jumping, or fetching.
  5. Invest in Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips, especially if you have a senior or special needs dog (not recommended for puppies) and a lot of slick surfaces. Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips are non-slip grips that slide onto the toenails of your dog and naturally grip the surface of floors. Your dog’s regular nails cannot grip or dig down on a hard surface as they were intended, but ToeGrips allows a dog to use his natural gripping ability.
Are Hardwood Floors Safe for Your Dog? Tips to Prevent Injury and Slipping on Slippery Floors. #raisingyourpetsnaturally
Dexter’s ToeGrips

Caring for a dog sometimes means looking at situations from his point of view and coming up with the best solutions to make their lives more enjoyable and safe. Hardwood floors and dogs aren’t a match made in heaven for the dog. Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips help improve your dog’s life by increasing the anti-slip traction needed to walk on slippery surfaces. You can learn more about Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips by visiting their website or reading about my experience with them helping with Dexter’s neurological condition! We’ve been Dr. Buzby fans for years. 🙂

Order a pair of ToeGrips with promo code: DEXTER for 10% Off Your First Order


Do you have a senior or special needs dog? Tell me in the comments.

50 thoughts on “Are Hardwood Floors Safe for Your Dog? | Tips to Prevent Injury and Slipping on Slippery Floors

  1. This is additional knowledge for me. I always had cats at home and they keep slipping. It looked funny. I never realized that dogs or any pet are prone to injuries due to slippery. They are just like humans too. Thank you for enlightenment.

  2. I’ve never heard of these toe grips, but what you’re saying makes loads of sense. My mum’s dogs are really scared of the wooden floor at the entrance of the lounge, before the rug, and it might make their lives happier if I invest in these! Thanks for sharing.

  3. This is what I would call truly taking care. Our pets are dependent on us and hence our thoughts can make their life a great easier and comfortable.

  4. That was such a great advice. Dogs are really fragile to slippery floors. I better share this post.

  5. My husband and I don’t have pets yet but I know he’s been dying for a dog. This is great for when we actually have one of our own to make sure what to do!

  6. These are wonderful tips to make the issue of walking on slippery floors be less. I always feel bad when I see videos of dogs slipping and falling. This is great advice.

  7. These are great tips. I don’t have a dog at the moment but want to have one. I will keep these tips in mind.

  8. My son has hard wood floors. He and his fam just got a baby G. Shep. She slides across the floors. I’ll let him see this…he’s visiting tonight!

  9. I love these articles, always gives me a little bit of sense what I need to do to prevent my dogs from slipping. Thanks for sharing!

  10. love these tips! every single one of them is important especially for our dogs. Thanks so much for sharing

  11. I didn’t realize how keeping the dog hair short between the toes was so important until recently and we had to deal with an issue. He had to take an antibiotic. Thanks for all the great tips here as well.

  12. This is such an interesting invention! The dog really appreciates the support!

  13. All our floors are slipper and my dog has slipped a few times which was not pleasant at all. Thank you for these wonderful tips. I sure will implement them

  14. Can’t tell you how many times my dog slips and slides all over these kinds of floors. Best to play outdoors!

  15. I know that older dogs find it difficult to walk on slippery floors and it is risky for them too. Great advice on how to manage.

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