Health Benefits of Dandelions for Dogs, Cats and Us. The health benefits of dandelions are vast. Dandelions can help fight heartburn, cancer, liver disorders, urinary tract infections, inflammation, and even acne. Dandelions are also good for bone health and weight-loss, and aid in digestion. They are a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

Dogs Eating Dandelions Flowers and Leaves | Health Benefits of Dandelions for Dogs, Cats and Us

Benefits of Chia Seeds | Chia Seeds for Dogs, Cats and You. The chia plant is in the mint family and comes in a white chia or black chia variety. Both the chia seeds and the chia plant, or microgreens, are edible and carry a variety of health benefits. Let’s take a look at chia health benefits.

Benefits of Chia Seeds | Chia Seeds for Dogs, Cats and You

Dog-Friendly Bennington Battle Monument. During our dog-friendly vacation to Vermont, we took a few day trips. One day we headed to Bennington, Vermont and visited the Bennington Battle Monument, which is the tallest structure in Vermont. 

Dog-Friendly Vermont Vacations | Bennington, Vermont | Dog-Friendly Bennington Battle Monument