Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? Can Dogs Eat Grass?

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Raising Your Pets, Dogs and Cats Naturally


Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? Can Dogs Eat Grass?

What Does it Mean When a Dog Eats Grass?


Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? Can Dogs Eat Grass? What does it mean when a dog eats grass? And probably most importantly, can dogs eat grass and is it safe? Learn more. #raisingyourpetsnaturally
Why does a dog eat grass?

Dexter thinks he’s half cow. If he had his way, he would eat grass all day long. But why do dogs eat grass?  What does it mean when a dog eats grass? And probably most importantly, can dogs eat grass and is it safe? Today I want to tackle the grass-eating dog topic. But, as always, if your dog seems to be eating grass non-stop, you may want to speak to your veterinarian to ensure he is healthy.

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass then Throw Up?

Oh, yes. Such a great visual. You may often see your dog eating grass then vomit right afterward. Believe it or not, your dog may know that when he has an upset belly, if he indulges in some grass eating, he will then vomit, which may rid his gut from toxins that are making him feel unwell.

Dexter has done this on occasion. He can be very obsessive with his request to go outside and eat grass. He cries and goes to the door, and when I take him out, he goes to chow down on the grass. That’s how I know that he has an upset belly. An occasional upset belly is not totally uncommon. When Dexter has an upset belly, I give him a natural anti-nausea aid instead of allowing a lot of grass eating.

Should You Let Your Dog Eat Grass When He has an Upset Belly?

Sure. Assuming your grass is not treated with harmful chemicals or pesticides, and assuming this is a rare occasion. However, you do want to find the root cause of the belly ache to ensure it is not a much more serious problem. As I mentioned above, I would look for a better solution to ease your dog’s nausea.

What Does it Mean When a Dog Eats Grass?

A dog may eat grass for a variety of reasons. As mentioned above, a dog may often be seen eating grass when he has an upset belly or is feeling nauseated. If this is only a few times a year, you probably don’t need to worry. If on the other hand, your dog gets sick, has a lot of gas, or is nauseated a lot, you should speak with your veterinarian, ideally one that specializes in canine nutrition. There may be something going on with your dog that needs to be addressed. A vet that specializes in dog nutrition can also help evaluate your dog’s diet to ensure he is receiving the correct food, nutrients, and fiber he needs.

Boredom is another reason a dog may eat grass. This can be common in puppies or dogs that are not receiving adequate exercise and mental stimulation. Increasing your dog’s daily activity and mental dog games would be a good start for these dogs.

Tastes great! I remember as a child chewing on the sweet blades of grass. Our dogs may also find the sweet grass appealing. I see this with Dexter. He often goes for the new grass growth. OK, he seems to like it all the time. Like I said, I think he’s half cow.

I feel Dexter fits into the taste and fun category for his grass eating. I wouldn’t say bored, because I keep him very active. But, during our adventures, he picks out some nice blades of grass to chomp on. I’m actually going to increase his greens in his diet to see if this changes any of his grass eating behavior. We’ll see. In the meantime, I try to keep Dexter focused on not eating grass on our adventures, since I can only assume they are sprayed with pesticides. It might be worth looking into planting him is own doggie grass!

Does your dog eat grass? Tell me in the comments.

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Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? Can Dogs Eat Grass? What does it mean when a dog eats grass? And probably most importantly, can dogs eat grass and is it safe? Learn more. #raisingyourpetsnaturally #doggrass #petgrass
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4 thoughts on “Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? Can Dogs Eat Grass?

  1. Charlie likes to sniff and taste new stuff in the yard, and especially new grass. However, he rarely has an upset stomach. I think he just likes it. My backyard does not get chemicals on it (and boy does it look it!) because that’s Charlie’s outdoor room.

  2. My Cleo eats grass but has never regurgitated it. But what she does worse is find dog smells I’m the grass, urine and feces , and rolls in it! She gets baths but it’s no time before she does it again. Yuck!

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