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How to Treat Dog Allergies Naturally
Does your dog suffer from seasonal allergies?

Dexter is in his prime allergy season. His allergies flare up late spring/early summer and hang around until our first hard frost. I always feel so bad for him. I’m confident that his allergies are something environmental because they only pick up during a certain time period of the year. He’s on a fresh, home-cooked diet, and over the last year, I’ve eliminated grains, potatoes, peas, and lentils (starchy foods) to see if that would help. Unfortunately, that has not had any effect on his scratching.
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I battle Dexter The Dog’s seasonal allergies a few ways. First, his diet. Diet is always the first thing I manage to help Dexter feel better. Since his allergies flare up in the summer/warm months and cause his body to feel hot, I start by using cooling foods in Dexter’s meals. When following Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), all things have an energetic. Let’s look at Dexter in the summer. Summer in Ohio is HOT, and his skin and body are HOT. All food is also either warming, cooling or neutral and will affect our bodies when consumed. So, if Dexter is already overrun by excess heat, I want to cool him down. Cooling foods I include in Dexter’s summer diet include cod, turkey, rabbit, duck and clams. Hot foods I avoid in the summer are venison, goat, chicken, and lamb. (Learn more in What’s For Dinner, Dexter?)
Organic licorice root is also beneficial to dogs with seasonal allergies. Licorice root is anti-inflammatory and can help with allergy relief. Licorice can reduce potassium, so increase dietary potassium (banana, beef, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, clams and pumpkin) and don’t use longer than a couple of weeks. If your dog has any other medical issues like diabetes, liver disease or heart disease, please consult a Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Practitioner. Read more on licorice root.
To continue on Dexter’s cooling path, I also provide his body with immediate cooling relief. I have a dog cooling mat that Dexter will choose to lie on instead of the carpet. I also put the mat on our bed so that in the evening he can lie on it if he chooses, and he does. If Dexter’s body really seems hot to the touch, I hold an ice pack on him for a few seconds, move to another on spot and repeat. This really seems to take the edge off when he’s really going at it.
I also wipe him down when we return from an outside walk or adventure. This helps by removing any pollens, grass, or who knows what. I’m not sure what is triggering Dexter’s seasonal allergies. He’s not a fan of being wiped down all the time, but it’s for his own good; he just doesn’t know it.
I bathe Dexter regularly with a natural, non-toxic dog shampoo. I look for ingredients that can both soothe his itch and help him relax, such as lavender, chamomile, aloe, and beneficial oils.
Finally, the last thing I go to is a home-made dog itch spray. I spray Dexter’s hot spots when he’s really being bothered by his allergies. I spray on the dog itch spray, then do a quick rub. He doesn’t love it, but it stops him from itching and I feel it takes some of the rawness and scratchiness away. By not allowing Dexter to keep scratching, I’m ensuring that his skin doesn’t become infected and create another set of problems.
Hopefully, you will find my natural tips on how to stop your dog from scratching helpful. Dexter and I love summer, but his body is looking forward to the first hard frost.
Dog Itch Spray Recipe
- 1 Cup Distilled Water
- ½ Cup Distilled White Vinegar
- ½ Cup Chamomile Tea
- 2 Drops Eucalyptus Oil
- 2 Drops Lavender Oil
- 2 Drops Peppermint Oil
1. Place an organic chamomile tea bag into ½ cup of hot distilled water and steep for an hour.
2. Once steeped, remove and discard the tea bag.
3. Pour the tea into a glass mason jar.
4. Add the remaining ingredients and shake.
5. Pour mixture into a spray bottle.
Does your dog suffer from seasonal allergies? Tell me in the comments.
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This is a truly great post! I love that you practice an ayurvedic styled approach!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge about an all natural approach to itchy pups – we will definitely give this a try as our pups have a bit of reaction to grass (and that’s where they do their thing….so it’s not like we can change that!). I appreciate it greatly!
Sure thing Rebecca. It’s a tough season for us, these year is particularly rough. Good luck!
Ooooh yes, Charlie has a grass allergy. During winter it’s okay, but when spring start it’s horrible. I have a blog post about his condition, where you can see the pictures of his poor tummy if you like! I would love to try your recipe for the spray and I’ll let you know how it works out!
Great! I hope Charlie feels better. We are tackling Dexter’s allergies on every front for the best success. 🙂
Thank you for that all natural recipe! Fortunately, most of our allergy skin issues have cleared up with diet… but all 3 of the Lapdogs are sneezing during this awful allergy season!
So happy the Lapdogs are doing well with their diet. Food is the foundation of life. 🙂
Rosa hates grass and it makes her itch terribly. I’m certainly going to try your recipe too. I love natural products for my dogs. Thanks for sharing it!
Poor Rosa. Seasonal allergies really are terrible. Good luck.
I had no idea you could use these things to remedy allergies in a pup. I know from Timmy and Dirty Flea Soap that some ‘natural elements are not pet safe though (I ‘think’ one was rosemary oil?). I am glad you recommend organic – like many I always feel organis thing start frm a safer point (no additives).
I hope Dexter enjoys Autumn more 🙂
Thanks! Essential oils are extremely concentrated, which is why they are just a few drops with some kind of carrier. This is true for rosemary oil too. Rosemary oil and rosemary is not recommend for pets or people with seizures, epilepsy or any other type of neurological disorder.
One of my dogs has a seasonal allergy making summer almost unbearable for her. I will try to make this for her and see if it helps!
Poor darling. Allergies really bite. Hopefully some of these tips will help take the edge off.
I have been struggling to find anything that helps with Piper’s seasonal watery eyes. The vet gave me drops but it feels like I’m torturing her when I try to put them in and I would much prefer to address them naturally. I had no idea that organic licorice root helps with seasonal allergies. Do you have some advice on how to introduce it in to Piper’s diet? (She weighs 50 lbs and has a sensitive tummy)
Poor thing. Here’s a post I wrote on licorice root: It can have a laxative effect, so I would maybe do 1/4 dose. Especially if Piper hasn’t had herbs before. If she has a hard time, you can also contact a holistic vet. A lot do phone consultations if you can’t find one locally.
I didn’t know that about licorice. My dog was really itchy a few weeks ago but it’s gone away now. What helped him a bit was Lucy spray conditioner – I think he was a bit dry
So glad he is feeling better. They are always so dry and hot.
BIG kudos for mentioning diet first. Poor sweetie. I find over bathing is often a huge one also overlooked by many. Folks are always stunned that a) my dude has no allergies b) he never smells of dog unless soaking wet and c) I bathe him on average every 10 weeks unless he has REALLY gotten into something stinky. 🙂 I think his skin having his own oils is a reason he has no itch….?
Food is everything. Over bathing, if the shampoo has chemicals or harsh oils for sure can be hard.
I LOVE this post! With a mastiff that has major seasonal allergies (including an allergy to the resident kitties), this is such great food for thought. Didn’t know about the concept of cooling/heating foods, and the recipe for spray is pawesome… we’re fans of essential oils and love the idea of combining it with tea to create a soothing spray. Thank you!!
Sure thing. I LOVE mastiffs! They tend to run hot as it is, so cooling foods would probably really benefit them. Good luck.
My mom’s poor dog is also suffering this summer with scratching. I need to encourage her to wipe his paws when he comes inside and to consider a cooling mat.
Wiping paws are pretty big if it’s outside stuff. And the cooling mat, I’ve been known to rest my feet on it too!
Layla has allergies although I have them more and more under control phew but am keeping this article for emergencies thanks so much
I am so glad Layla is doing better.
Mr. N has a flea allergy that drives him crazy. Would the licorice root help with that?
Poor Mr. N. Licorice root helps from the inside and my understanding is that he’s sensitive to the fleas that are on his body, or ran across?? I would try to keep the fleas off (I’m sure you are) with a natural flea spray. I’d probably do the lavender one since lavender can be soothing too.
Thanks so much for sharing this! Love that it’s natural and homemade. Pinning on my “Bark About” board on Pinterest.
Thanks! I appreciate that.
Thanks for sharing your dog itch spray recipe, so helpful! Its interesting that certain foods are “hot” & some foods are “cold”.
Love & biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Sure, thing. Food has been everything for Dexter’s health. I cool him in the summer, and warm him in the winter.
Seasonal allergies aren’t fun – we were interested to learn about licorice root.
Awesome. Here’s the article:
Kilo does not appear to have any itches or allergies so far but I have seasonal allergies so great information in case and to share.
Thanks! Lucky Kilo! 🙂