Dog Harness Review: Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness

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Dog Harness Review: Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness

Dog Harness Review: Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness. Check out one of my favorite dog harnesses for walking a dog and teaching a dog not to pull on the leash.
Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored review from 2Hounds Design. However, I will always offer my readers an unbiased and honest account of my experiences. Your trust is very appreciated, and never taken for granted. ~Tonya, Dexter and Nutter

As a professional dog trainer, I am always on the lookout for dog products that can assist clients in training their dogs. I look for products that work and are safe for the dog and handler. I want a product that is made with quality materials that can last and are comfortable for the dog and the dog handler.

As a positive dog trainer, I want to ensure the mental and physical well-being of the dogs I’m helping. I promote walking dogs with a harness and leash, not a collar. I feel walking a dog on a harness and leash is the best way to ensure physical safety of the dog. That said, all dog training equipment needs to be used properly and fitted properly to ensure safety. More on that later.

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When I’m helping a dog training student teach their dog to walk nicely on a leash without pulling, I gravitate to harnesses that attach to the front of a dog, not to the back. By attaching a dog’s leash to a front-clipping harness, when a dog starts to pull forward, when the leash starts to get tight, it will gently start turning a dog to the side, toward the dog parent. This is the training opportunity with a front clipping dog harness. This is the point where a dog handler should stop walking and re-focus their dog onto them. The dog handler should not keep walking and allow pressure on the front clip, making the dog walk in a sideways position, as this can cause undue stress on a dog’s back and spine. Again, all dog training equipment must be used properly and as intended.

Front Clipping Dog Harness
Front Clipping Dog Harness

Over the last 7 or so years, I have been using and recommending a variety of dog harnesses, typically front-clipping dog harnesses. Dogs and dog harnesses are not “one size fits all.” Every dog is different, and every harness fits a bit differently, and not every harness fits every dog properly. It can be a bit of trial and error in the fitting department to ensure the best dog harness for a particular dog.

For most dogs, my first dog harness of choice is the Freedom No-Pull Harness and here’s why. First, I’m always looking for the safety of a dog. The Freedom No-Pull Harness is cleverly designed to prevent slipping out of the harness, which happens with other harness more than you might think. Second, the way the harness is designed minimizes, or in my experience, eliminates, any neck pressure. Finally, my favorite point is that a dog has full range of motion with his front legs. Some other front-clipping harnesses are actually set at the top of the shoulder, preventing a dog’s full gait. This would be OK for short walks, but I wouldn’t want to use that type of harness for long walks or any jogging or running.

Full-Range of Motion
Full-Range of Motion

Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness also has four points of adjustability, which means this harness can fit virtually any dog body shape or size. This top-performing dog harness is also made in the United States with quality materials, including stainless steel hardware, heavy-duty nylon webbing sewn using industrial X-stitch machines, and Swiss velvet lining for the strap that goes behind the legs to help prevent chafing.

This dog harness can be used in a variety of ways to walk your dog. Not only does the harness have a ring so that you can clip a dog leash to the front, it also has an additional ring on the back that gently tightens around the dog’s chest, giving the dog handler the option to clip to the front or clip to the back. I find this very helpful when I’m walking Dexter. Sometimes, I want him to walk by my side (front clip) and other times, I’ve given him freedom to run around and sniff (back clip).

But wait, there’s more. There is an optional training leash that allows you to connect to the front and back of the harness simultaneously. This leash has 2 clips with a floating handle, giving you a 3 ½ foot leash that clips to both the front and back of the harness, acting like a power steering tool. This multi-functional double-connection training leash allows you to use the harness in a variety of ways, making the Freedom No-Pull Harness a very versatile dog training tool.

Very Comfortable
Very Comfortable

I have been extremely happy with the way the Freedom No-Pull Harness performs for dog parents. It is easy to use, fits dogs well, comes in a variety of colors and sizes, and is made from durable and quality hardware. Dexter has been using his harness for about three years and it has not diminished in quality or stretched out. We are happy to have a new, green Freedom No-Pull harness (thank you, 2 Hounds Designs) to continue using for our fashion-conscious apparel. If you are looking for a quality dog harness that can help teach a dog not to pull on a leash, check out the Freedom No-Pull Harness.

Best dog walking leashes
Safety latches are my go-to


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Dog Harness Review: Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness. Check out one of my favorite dog harnesses for walking a dog and teaching a dog not to pull on the leash.

89 thoughts on “Dog Harness Review: Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness

  1. Nick had one of these when we first got him, but he outgrew it . . . 🙁
    We’ve been using a regular harness with the top hook but certainly would love to get him a new front hook harness. Then we can re-direct him if need be.

  2. I need this harness because I have experienced other harness is scary. I’ve actually used a collar and harness together with two leashes because I was paranoid about one of my pups getting away. I really like that this particular one seems more secure and I’d be inclined to get the leash with to access points for extra security. I love my boys. 🙂

  3. I would love to try The Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness. I have tried 4 others but I still cannot get him to stop pulling. He literally pulls my 200 lb husband down the road. The last time I walked him, I pulled a muscle in my arm from him pulling so hard. He’s 90 lb and muscle, his pulling makes our walks miserable. HELP!!!!

  4. Having a young, energetic Cavalier who finds remaining at my side difficult, I
    believe this kind of harness would be very useful in helping him learn self-control when asked.

  5. This would be a great harness for Libby my Blenheim cavalier that is a Pet Partners therapy dog. She is so optimistic and cheerful when we go to the hospital on our visits she pulls a bit too much and it’s hard on her esophagus. Thank you. Diana Engelhardt.

  6. Molly needs this harness because she likes
    To pull me only when she sees birds and squirrels. With this harness and treats for positive reinforcement I would be able to retrain her not to pull.?

  7. I switched to this harness for Chip after almost losing him out of a different brand! And the double leash offers even more security for a dog who spooks easily. The Freedom No-Pull is the only one I trust!

    1. Thank you DeEtte for commenting on your experience. I remember you telling me that. So glad everything is ok with Chip. Love that little boy!

  8. My family is a getting a Great Pyrenees puppy and I am new to dog training! This harness seems user friendly, and beneficial to the dog while training. I’d love to have one!

  9. I would love to try this for my reactive dog, Willow. She’s come a long way in learning leash manners but still has her moments. She’s currently in a similar harness but it only adjusts 3 ways and just doesn’t quite fit her correctly. We took long walks two days in a row and I noticed an area rubbed raw in her armpit since it doesn’t sit where it should. Would love to find something comfortable for her that still allows me to safely have some control over her. We take lots of walks to work on socialization, were recently in a parade and are thinking about putting her name in the hat to be “Sandy” in a local theater production of “Annie” since she knows lots of cues and responds to hand signals. Just need a more comfy harness to keep her up on her social skills!

    1. Wow! Amy, you and Willow have come such a long way. That is amazing. I think the Freedom No-Pull harness would be a great choice for Willow. 🙂

  10. I love this harness and double clip leash. I have a dog that pulls and this is the only type that works for him. The soft velvet to prevent chaffing is genius! No other harness is made this way (as far as I have found)

  11. I only tried one kind of harness with Pippa, and I’d like to explore other options. My current harness affects her shoulder range of motion, so this would be a nice harness to try.

  12. What a unique design! Never seen one that clips in the front! It appears to give great control. My daughter could use this on her pup who needs a little more training. I really take your advice on this as gospel since you are a trainer.

  13. That harness looks amazing, the only problem I have with the thin ones like that is they matt her fur under her front legs and it becomes a mess and that is why I stopped using that kind, I love the one I use because it just closes under belly and neck so less matting

    1. Thanks, Ruth. That can happen. With this velvet lining, it is less likely to happen. We don’t have it happen on Dexter, unless we are gone for the weekend, he’s in it a lot, and I’m bad at brushing him in the evening.

  14. I’m not familiar with this harness, but I do like the sound of it. I know of one dog who would benefit greatly from this product, I’ll have to let her guardian know about this.

    1. Thanks, Hindy. As you read, I’ve been using and recommend the Freedom No-Pull dog harness for years. A great product and brand. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks. Yes, it aids in training by allowing an easier way to redirect a dog. 🙂

    1. I have not heard of this harness, but I like the sounds of it. I think it would benefit my dog. He likes to pull when he gets really excited

  15. Schipperkes are energetic, sturdy, powerful and strong-minded dogs. This collar would be good so there’s no pressure on her esophagus and a great training aid. Sometimes I’m not steady on my feet, so it is important that our dog does not pull me down. Love your blog and training tips. I hope you will consider me for this great product. Thank you!

  16. With a Husky, I cannot live without a no pull harness! I like safety aspect of this harness, I didn’t realize other harnesses could cause stress on the spine! This would be a great upgrade to the one I have now.
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  17. Hi Tonya, We took two of your classes a couple of years ago and guess what Gracie is still pulling. We would love to try the Freedom no pull harness. We have tried other front hooking harnesses and they just don’t fit our Cavalier correctly. (You even tried to fit one on her and it didn’t fit right.)

  18. This might be a great option for our Charlie – who has a tendency to get a bit too excited on his walks! Great review – definitely entering and sharing!

  19. This would be great for my dog Theo. He has a unique shape and he’s hard to fit. With the two clips I think it might make it easier to take him out on walks. He is sometimes reactive when he sees other dogs and even some people.

  20. This is a really cool harness! I love how many options there are with it. I can see why this would be very helpful for training. It is great that it is no-pull too.

  21. I tried the no pull harness with Gracie and it did not work for her at all. She continued to try to pull and eventually chewed through the harness during a hike when I was not looking!

    1. Oh, no! Yes, it’s just a tool to help with teaching good walking tools, not a fix. I have had other front clipping harness not fit properly where the dog can slip the face under and chew. Usually because fit too loosely or the dog was laying down, which changes the position. I haven’t had this happen with a client or myself with this particular harness. Here’s some tips on teaching leash skills.

  22. Oh, I so need one of these, well actually two! I have a border collie and an aussie who currently use gentle leaders and they just don’t seem to be working. I have been spending a lot of time trying to figure out the best type of leash system to invest in. Thanks for the chance!

  23. Living in the county we don’t have a need to have our dogs on leashes. We have a fenced in yard for them. But no we are going to take them on trip and will need to be leashed.

    1. So glad you are going to start going on dog adventures. They are so important and fun.

  24. I would love to have this leash. and it would definitely help with my dog Coco. It looks super comfortable and safe!

  25. I love that it designed to fit well and secure. This would be helpful for Ella who gets excited on walks and pulls a lot. She also has been know to slip out of her current harness at times 🙁

    1. Very scary. If you continue using your current harness, you should look at clipping an extra clip to her collar.

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