Healthy Dog Recipes | Bone Broth Recipe for Dogs

Organic Bone Broth Recipe for Dogs

Health Benefits of Bone Broth for Dogs


Bone broth recipe for your dog. Learn how to to make bone broth for your dog and the health benefits of bone broth. #raisingyourpetsnaturally
Organic Bone Broth Recipe for Dogs

Disclaimer:ย This post isย sponsoredย by Dr. Dobias Natural Healing. However, I will always offer my readers an unbiased and honest account of my experiences. Your trust is very appreciated, and never taken for granted. ~Tonya, Dexter and Nutter

What is Bone Broth?

Bone broth has been around from the beginning of mankind. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors would never consider wasting any part of a good kill. Everything was used from the kill: meat, organs, horns, hide, and even the bones. Bone broth is the liquid made from cooked bones and water.

Dog Bone Broth Benefits

Over the years, bone broth has been used to nourish the body. Typical uses of bone broth include healing the gut, easing allergies, boosting the immune system, aiding joint health, and even helping with neurological disorders. Bone marrow contains protein, omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other minerals.

When looking at bone broth through the eyes of Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory, bones are connected to the kidney system. By consuming the marrow from the bones, you will be supporting your dog’s kidneys and increasing QI (energy).

Bone broth recipe for your dog. Learn how to to make bone broth for your dog and the health benefits of bone broth. #raisingyourpetsnaturally
Organic Bone Broth for Dogs

How to Make Bone Broth for a Dog

Making dog bone broth is pretty easy. I make Dexter’s organic bone broth in a slow cooker, then freeze his bone broth in ice cube trays and serve one a day. When you are looking to boost your dog’s nutrition, it’s important to start with quality ingredients, preferably organic. At the minimum, I purchase hormone- and antibiotic-free bones.

Your bone broth recipe can be flexible and changeable. Including organic meat bones with cartilage, distilled water, and organic raw apple cider vinegar is a great start.

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Reference: Bone Broth

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Healthy Dog Recipes | Bone Broth Recipe for Dogs BigOven - Save recipe or add to grocery list Yum
Bone broth recipe for your dog. Learn how to to make bone broth for your dog and the health benefits of bone broth. #raisingyourpetsnaturally
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 24 hours
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 24 hours
Bone broth recipe for your dog. Learn how to to make bone broth for your dog and the health benefits of bone broth. #raisingyourpetsnaturally
  1. Place bones in a slow cooker.
  2. Completely cover bones with water about 2โ€ over bones.
  3. Add remaining ingredients.
  4. Cover and cook on low for 24 hours.
  5. Allow to cool.
  6. Remove the mushrooms, parsley and ginger and set aside.
  7. Remove any marrow from the bones and place with the vegetable mix. You can either serve this to your dog or save and make Marrow Power Pops (recipe coming soon).
  8. Dish out the bone broth into serving-sized containers and freeze.
  9. Thaw and serve as needed. Remove fat if needed.
Recipe Notes

Thanks to our sponsor Dr. Dobias Natural Healing. SoulFoodยฎ is a revolutionary USDA certified organic multivitamin formula for dogs of all ages. It is added to your dog's food and is gentle on digestion; unlike synthetic vitamins. SoulFood contains certified organic turmeric, alfalfa, parsley, dandelion, basil, asparagus and apple cider vinegar for optimum liver, kidney, digestion and organ balance. NOURISH your dog with SoulFood.

Have you made bone broth for your dog? Tell me in the comments.

Bone broth recipe for your dog. Learn how to to make bone broth for your dog and the health benefits of bone broth. #raisingyourpetsnaturally #bonebroth #bonebrothrecipe #bonebrothfordogs #dogbonebroth #healthbenefitsofbonebroth
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12 thoughts on “Healthy Dog Recipes | Bone Broth Recipe for Dogs

  1. I always loved making homemade treats for our dog back when he was still alive. He always got so excited when I made treats for him ๐Ÿ™‚

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