Dog Onesies Suit

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored review. However, I will always offer my readers an unbiased and honest account of my experiences. Your trust is very appreciated, and never taken for granted. ~Tonya, Dexter and Angel Nutter
First, Dexter is a long-haired dog and sheds. His normal shedding is not a concern for me. Extreme shedding, however, can be caused by ill health, anxiety, or lack of brushing and grooming. If you feel your dog is excessively shedding, please speak with your holistic veterinarian to ensure your dog is in tip-top shape.
When the nice people at Shed Defender reached out to me, I was actually thrilled. I have seen their product pop up in my news feed and felt the Shed Defender had a lot of useful applications beyond containing a dog’s shedding.
7 Possible Uses for the Shed Defender
- Controls a Dog’s Shedding and Fur– When a dog is wearing his Shed Defender, the majority of the dog’s hair is inside the suit. This keeps any natural shedding inside the suit vs. on the floor or even in your car.
I can see how this may be handy for times when you may be traveling with your dog and you want to manage his fur bunnies. Especially if you are staying with family or friends who may not particularly love the fact that your dog’s fur makes fur tumbleweeds. Or if your host has slight allergies to dogs, the Shed Defender will help keep the dog’s dander in control, too!
- Helps with Dog Anxiety– Snug-fitting wraps are a great natural way to help soothe a dog when he’s anxious. In Chinese Medicine, there are various points such as a dog’s ankles, chest, and top of their rump that help ease anxiety. Because the Shed Defender encompasses a large portion of a dog, including these points, it’s a great add-on option when helping a dog with anxiety.
- Protects Against Burrs and Stickers– Shed Defender’s premium eco-friendly lightweight fabric offers a barrier of protection against troublesome burs and plant stickers.
- A Natural Protection Against Ticks– Because the Shed Defender covers a large portion of a dog, ticks have less opportunity to attach. If you are using a natural tick spray, you can simply spray the suit for an extra layer of protection.
- Snowball Barrier– Unlike dog coats and jackets, the Shed Defender fully covers a dog’s legs, preventing snow from freezing on a dog’s legs and forming snowballs. It also acts as an additional layer of protection when outside.
- Can Deter Wound or Allergy Licking– The Shed Defender offers another option to the cone of shame. It works by covering surgical sites, skin conditions, or hotspots.
- Keeps a Dog Clean-If you need to keep your dog clean prior to the show ring, dog-friendly vacation, or pet photo shoot, the Shed Defender has your dog covered.

Dexter’s Results and My Personal Recommendations
As with all the pet products I review, I put the Shed Defender to the test. I always try to look at all the ways a pet product can be used and/or helpful and to address any possible issues or concerns.
Finding The Perfect Fit for Dexter
If you have followed Dexter and me over the years, you know Dexter is a large Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who struggles wearing “off the rack” clothing. He’s tall, long, and lean. It’s tough for a clothing pet manufacturer to be able to generalize all the different shapes and sizes of dogs. It’s not like a collar, where it’s a straightforward fit. The Shed Defender sent Dexter both a small and medium. The medium is the one that fit him properly. Luckily, they offer free exchanges if the sizing is wrong for your dog.
Putting The Shed Defender On Dexter
I will be the first to admit, when I looked at how small the Shed Defender looked, I was a bit concerned. But, knowing that the goal was a snug fit and that the breathable fabric had a four-way stretch, I was ready to give it a whirl. The instructions said to place the suit over the dog’s head through the neck sleeve, zipper side under the belly. Then, insert the front legs, back legs, and zip up.
The neck sleeve seemed a bit snug, especially since Dexter has Chiari malformation and syringomyelia (a neck and spine malformation). I stretched the neck area out prior to my placement, prepared to stop if Dexter seemed to be exhibiting any discomfort.
All went well with the neck, so it was on to the front feet. The legs of the suit are very narrow, but stretchy. I was able to wiggle the leg sleeves up as I put Dexter’s legs in. The back legs were a cinch. I attempted to zip up the belly zipper but kept running into Dexter’s hair, so I decided to leave it unzipped.
Dexter was very comfortable in the Shed Defender. He didn’t have a problem wearing the suit, moving, walking and even doing some of his core-strength exercises. Pottying in the suit was easy since the entire belly was open, which includes his butt area.

After discussing our first day with the folks at The Shed Defender, I decided to modify a few things while putting on the suit. First, I rolled up ½ of the front legs like a cuff prior to placing Dexter’s feet inside. This proved to be a much quicker and easier way to navigate his leg down the leg sleeve. Next was the zipper. I placed my hand inside the zipper next to Dexter’s fur and pulled down before zipping. This worked great! I was easily able to pull down enough fabric to ensure not to zip up any fur. When taking off the suit, I also slipped my hand inside to make sure the zipper didn’t grab any fur.

Once again, Dexter hung out in his Shed Defender both inside the house and outside. When going outside I unzipped the bottom about halfway for potty breaks. We had zero incidents of peeing or pooping on the suit. And Dexter did his fair share of both lifting and squatting pees.

I took Dexter to a local park to see if we could run into any burrs or stickers. Up into the woody area he went. Nothing stuck to the suit, but he did have some plant seeds on his head. Given that it’s winter here in Ohio, I’m not sure if there were any burrs, but since the plant seeds didn’t stick, my head says the burrs probably wouldn’t either. And if they did, they would be on the suit and not Dexter’s fur. The same thought for snowballs. I wasn’t able to test this theory, but it makes sense that his legs would be snowball free.

After all my testing of the Shed Defender, I wanted to see how it withstood a regular wash. Perfect. It does say to tumble dry on low, but I chose to air dry.
Things to Consider and Common Sense
The Shed Defender is not going to be appropriate for every dog, nor every situation. There are just too many variables in life. This is a product meant for short or occasional wear. Please do not leave your dog in the suit day in and day out. I also never recommend leaving clothing (or harness, collars etc.) on unsupervised on your pet that has a potential to get caught on something or the dog can wiggle in such a way to make the item not fit properly. There is a chance when lying down that a dog can get his leg pushed up inside the suit, so supervision is a must.
As for using the Shed Defender for surgery, that really would depend on the surgery. Because the Shed Defender is a snug suit, it may or may not work well for a spay or neuter. My concern is how tight and close the zipper would be to the surgical area.
This is a breathable item, but do pay attention to your dog’s comfort level and temperature. Also make sure you purchase the correct size for your dog and it fits YOUR dog properly. I do recommend stretching the neck prior to slipping over your dog’s head. If your dog seems uncomfortable in the Shed Defender or isn’t sure he can move, offer him a few treats. Some dogs freeze up at first when any clothing is placed on them. Lure him a bit with treats to show him he can move and walk.
Dexter’s Future with Shed Defender
I am very pleased with my experience with Shed Defender. I look forward to using the suit under Dexter’s winter coats when snow arrives. I’m also planning on using it when we find ourselves in wooded areas or high-tick spots. When Dexter’s seasonal allergies kick up in the fall, I will certainly be bringing out the suit to help prevent Dexter from licking his front legs and groin area.
Head over to Shed Defender’s website to learn more.

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OMG, this is cuteness overload!
lol Thanks.
Oh my gosh, these are adorable! I want to put one on my cat, but they’d probably claw up my arm. I’m glad this can help!
Ya, I don’t think many cats would enjoy or tolerate the suit like dogs. Cats can be silly.
I never knew such a product even existed. My first thought when I started reading was whether it needed to be unzipped for potty breaks, but it looks super convenient since they can go with the suit on! Very cute and great idea!!
Hi Laura. Yes, potty was easy. Easy zip once I realized how to pull the suit down.
We have a short hair dog that sheds… a lot. He’s a large breed and I wonder if this would be available in his size. I don’t care much for it when he’s outside but this would be ideal for guests so they won’t leave with dog hair on their clothes after visiting our home.
Hi Tomi. They have quite a range of sizes. I also know they are adding more!
I am going to share this with all my friends who have pets. They are always talking about dog hair and shedding
Thank you for sharing!
Well. After having boxers all my life, I just can’t see them wearing one. Except for the last one we had. He would’ve loved it. Actually, I need something like that for myself!! All kidding aside, I would use it for the shedding part for sure.
Boxers are the best! I actually think they have a photo of a boxer in the Shed Defender. 🙂
Well, this is a cool idea. I love that it’s loose enough to be comfortable and not cause issues with fur or skin but still offers cover to do what it says it will.
Hi Karen. Yes, it’s a great fit.
That’s an interesting concept. I have a dog with anxiety and I am thinking that would be a good idea for him. Not sure he’d like it though.
As a dog trainer, I’ve seen more dogs relax with a snug suit vs being more stressed.
I know a friend who has a house dog who could definitely use this! I may have to give her one for Christmas.
How sweet!
This suit would be good to put on a dog when they are visiting someone. That way they keep all their hair to themselves.
Absolutely! It’s a very versatile product.
This is an interesting product for dogs to use. The snuggling aspect may be great for dogs that need that type of affection.
Thanks, Lian. Yes, the snuggling part is a great help for soothing anxious dogs.
This sounds like an interesting item, I can imagine the fact it can ease anxiety is a really good thing about it. Not sure what my dog would think if I tried one on her!
As a dog trainer, I’ve seen more dogs relax with a tight-fighting suit vs being more anxious. But, each dog is different. My rule of thumb was to try a tight fighting t-shirt and if they seemed a bit more comfortable, then to invest in a product like the Shed Defender. The fit works better than a tshirt. 🙂
This is so adorable! My fur baby would have loved this. Especially, for those cold winter nights.
<3 Thank you, Tasheena.
Dexter is so cute in his little blue suit. This looks like a great product for all doggie parents and I wish it was available for cats too. I think my older kitty would feel better wearing it.
Thank you. It may work for cats. But, cats can be tricky with clothing. I remember my cat would totally shut down with a sweater.
This would be great for taking my dogs in the car. They always leave fur all over my car.
Great for car rides!
That dog is just adorable!
Oh, Dexter is such a little sweetie 🙂
This is such an interesting product – I was not aware of it!! I will definitely look into it 🙂
Thanks, Alexandra. Dexter is a very special boy. Yes, the Shed Defender is a neat product with a variety of uses.
Funny that I came across this. My sister bought something much like this before Thanksgiving. She brings her dog when she comes in town and he sheds bad. These things really work!
ha I’m so glad it worked! 🙂
Would love to have one for my Shih Tzu! She shed a lot and I don’t know how to do about it when we don’t have time to take her and get groomed.
Hi, Hannah. My dad has two Shih Tzus such cute dogs. But, they do need regular grooming or they will become matted, which causes pain. Here’s an article and video I did on at home grooming-
This is nice. I have a pit bull. And he sheds, although the shedding isn’t a lot, it drives me crazy. But also, he has anxiety when we’re not at the house. We’ve purchased clothes for him before, but he always manages to destroy them.
Hi, Tren. Thanks for your comment. For separation anxiety, please take a look at my book- Please Stay. It’s a step-by-step treatment guide.
Interesting review! I’ve also seen adds pop up for this product on my news feed and always felt like it was kind of a silly product. I have an Alaskan Klee Kai who sheds quite a bit, but I don’t think I’d ever use a product like this just to have less dog hair in my house. I know dog hair all over everything bothers some people, but dealing with shedding pets has never really been a big deal to me. I never took the time to consider potential other uses for this product though! I can for sure see how it would be helpful in the winter or for pets with allergies.
Thanks, Michelle. Yes, there are a variety of reasons someone may need the use of the Shed Defender.
First thing, I have to say how adorable he looks and second, I think I need this in my life. My dogs shed a lot so, this would help.
Thank you, Nancy. Dexter is quite the poser. The Shed Defender is great at holding in all those fur bunnies.
Great tips to prevent do shedding with doggie overlay. Dog lovers will appreciate this.
Thanks, Keshia.
First your dog is ADORABLE! What a cutie pie. I love this idea. I know that there are quite a few air bnb’s we’ve looked at that do allow pets, but I always worry about leaving behind furballs. So this is perfect for those trips!
Thanks, Mary. Dexter is quite a character. Yes, the Shed Defender could be a great solution when traveling.
This may help my pup with his constantly chewing on himself. I’m starting to think it’s more of an anxiety thing but he’s completely pulled out most of the fur in his tail and his one hip.
Poor guy. Definitely take him to the vet and set up a private session with a dog counselor who specializes in anxiety. I offer phone/skype sessions if you need help.
I’ll admit — one of the reasons I’ve never had a pet is because I hate the hair everywhere. What a clever solution.
Thanks, Heidi. There are also breeds that do not shed as much. But, hair does happen. 😉
OMG it is adorable and can understand if people have pets that shed to get one, Layla does not shed so do not have that problem and I am sure she would freak from it as she hates clothing.
So sorry Layla doesn’t like clothing. We love clothing! 🙂
That’s very interesting that your dog has Chiari and Syringomyelia – my grandmother did as well. I never thought that it was something animals could have as well.
I have seen this product advertised, but I think more of for folks who were allergic. It’s nice that there are so many different benefits.
Hi, Marysa. Hugs to your grandmother. It’s a tough disease. Yes, lots of uses for the Shed Defender.
What a great idea to use it when outside – especially in areas where ticks may fall on your cutie! He is such a great model, by the way!
Aww, thank you. He really is a ham, but a very patient boy. Yes, I’m ready for tick season now!
Oh my goodness, your doggie is just too cute! This shed defender idea is fabulous. I’m sharing this with my daughter who has a pup that sheds a lot.
Thanks. Dexter is such a character. Thanks for sharing too!
I’m considering getting a pup soon. I will keep this in mind
Thanks, Kay. And good luck with your new family member. 🙂
This looks like a great product for traveling and you are right also to keep our dogs from biting when they have wounds. It is interesting how the defender can have so many different applications.
Thanks, Adriana. I love how many ways we can use the Shed Defender. I product with multiple uses is always a win in my book.
What a great idea if a dog will let you put it on – I think using it as an anti-tick device is brilliant! And for dogs who get covered in snowballs in the winter. It’s quite an exciting product.
Thanks, Holly. This is just one of the many reasons we should all be working hard at teaching our pets to be handled easily. 🙂
Though we do not have dogs we love them. Can see that the Shed Defender would be so useful for dog owners, would be sharing this information with friends.
Thanks for sharing! The Shed Defender can definitely come in handy.
I love the uses for the Shed Defender. All are great and helpful for a dog! While we don’t have a dog. I will certainly pass this on to my friends that do have dogs so they can look into getting one for their dog.
Thanks, for sharing!
I can see how this would be useful in many different situations!
Thanks, Beth.
I’ve got to admit, just seeing your dog wearing his suit gets me in cuteness overload mode. Although i am not a dog person, but more of a cat person. Such an interesting product though! And of course, it would not suit every single dog out there.
LOL Thanks. Dexter has a way with even cat people. He was raised with two kitties and is very cat-like.
Yea, I agree that some dogs might find this uncofmortoable.. so it may not really suit all dogs, but maybe some! but the pros of this shed defender are outstanding!
Thanks, Sandra.
This is a pretty cool product! My Husky sheds so badly, we have to broom up balls of fur every day and twice a year it’s insane! Thanks for sharing.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
You gotta love the Huskies! And I do. 🙂
Personally I think this is simply weird but you make an excellent case for its many uses and how to put it on so I hope plenty of people read this.
I can see that for a show dog this would be totally perfect. After you spend hours getting a pet clean and ready for the show ring…… for it to get dirty AAGGHH!!!
lol Yes, a show dog would be a great idea!
The things people come up with are amazing. I can see how some people will embrace this. I actually considered this product for tick control instead.
I love how creative people are at solving problems.
How long is your dog comfortable in the shed defender?
I had it on Dexter for the review for a couple of hours.
Oh, Dexter looks adorable! While Huskies shed…I mean S-H-E-D…this would not go over well with them! But, that said, I can certainly see where it can be very helpful to some breeds, especially when healing a wound. Thanks for a great review! I had never heard about this before. And…Dexter is a cute model!
Thank you. Dexter is a trip. Love Huskies!
These are so cute! My dogs love sweaters, but my cat hates it!
Ya, I don’t think as many cats would appreciate the shed defender.
I love that color on Dexter! This looks like it would be great for the snow, would keep snowballs from sticking to long fur.
Thanks! Luckily, we haven’t had to test it on snow yet. hehehe
what a cutie i cant wait to get one of mine
Thanks. Good luck with your new friend.
My immediate preference for the gament is to move the zipper to the upper side of the garment with the open end of the zipper toward the head and the closed end over the rump. Easier getting legs in and less likely to catch hair when closing zipper.
But then they cannot go to the bathroom.
WOW! This is perfect! I’d love the shed defender especially for protecting the dog against ticks! It hurts when a dog if getting sourced by a number. And it looks pretty too for Dexter!
Hi Dalene. Yes, we can’t wait to pull out the Shed Defender during high-tick areas.
I would never be able to get one of these on either of the girls. Truffle had to wear a onesie after her bladder stone surgery and she hated it. I must admit that she did look cute in it and it really is served it’s purpose instead of use in a cone. I’m glad this worked for you and Dexter.
I’m glad Truffle is doing better. It’s so hard to see our pets going through surgery.