Dog Adventures and Activities: June’s Dog Blog 2011
Traveling with Dogs, Dog Toy Reviews, Toledo Dog Training Classes
June is roaring in with all kinds of adventures! I don’t even know where to start! So far this month, I’ve had my last Therapy Dog Visit with the kids; they are now on summer vacation. I’m really going to miss them this summer. But their teacher said she has another job for me this summer, so that might not be so bad.
I’ve been continuing my education at Toledo Dog Training (Raising Your Pets Naturally), playing the role of student, teacher, and distraction. So many hats to wear, but I really enjoy it.

Mom also took me to a pond and played Sqwuggie with me! I was tugging and jumping at the Sqwuggie, then she would toss it into the water for me to go fetch it. At first, I went in a little slow, but then I really started to get into it and went in pretty quickly. It was hot outside, so the water felt really good! Mom brought my towel jacket she made me after our Frankenmuth adventure, but it was so sunny and warm outside, I didn’t need it. But just in case you were wondering, here is a photo of me sporting it after a bath this week.
This Saturday I had a great day meeting new friends at a Cavalier Picnic in the Columbus Ohio area. That was a lot of fun! Everyone went with me on this adventure; Mom, Grandma, and Eddie! I met a lot of new friends, both furry and not so furry.

Mom also decided this week that I will be the official “Product Reviewer” for doggie products, services, and pet-friendly accommodations! I’ve been the unofficial reviewer for some time now, maybe I will earn some more snacks for my hard work! Love ya, Dexter The Dog
What dog adventures have you done this year? Tell me in the comments.
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