Non-Poisonous Plants and Flowers for Dogs. The following tips and ideas can be easily implemented in your yard so your shared time outside will be a truly divine experience for your dog and your family. #raisingyourpetsnaturally

Non-Poisonous Plants and Flowers for Dogs | Designing a Truly Dog-Friendly Yard and Garden

Dog-Friendly Day Trips and Road Trips in Ohio: Netty’s Ice Cream-Holland, Ohio

This dog training game is a way to allow and encourage a dog to offer his own behaviors and reward the behaviors you like and ignore the behavior you are not going for. This type of dog training, or shaping, is great for encouraging a dog who is somewhat shut down to offer behaviors. In the beginning stages of the 101 Things to Do With a Box game, you want your dog to be almost always right!

Dog Training Games: Clicker Training Games | 101 Things to Do With a Box

Don't punish a dog for growling

Dog Growling is Good | Why You Shouldn’t Punish the Growl (Early access for our Patreon community)