Natural Living and Holistic Healthy Care
A Healthy and Natural Lifestyle Blog

People are always suggesting I take care of myself as well as I take care of Dexter The Dog and Nutter The Cat. Today’s the day to a new beginning. Here you will find my personal life musings as I journey to a healthier lifestyle.
At this particular moment, I am working hard at trying to become healthier, which is not an easy task for me. Those who know me always tell me just to eat Dexter’s food. I home cook fresh and organic for him weekly (learn how in What’s For Dinner, Dexter?) I am a sweet tooth extremist, junk food lover, and carb addict. I can’t get enough bread into my diet. So it is quite the challenge for me to not dive into a candy bar or have a donut binge. When I travel, just forget about it. But I keep trying.
I have been working on healthier food recipes, homemade health care products, and am working towards an organic lifestyle. But as a business owner and DOG MOM and CAT MOM, time is never on my side. Simplicity is the only way I will be able to find success. I’m a work in progress. Healthy eating and living are not my expertise, but I’m trying. I will never say never and promise I won’t give up my sweets totally!
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you will find inspiration in my journey.
Your questions or comments are welcome below.
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